Huge fire at Notre Dame

Paris ablaze. A sad sight. 



I know humans are more important than buildings, but if something has made it all the way through from the C12th, and we trash it now in this century, it feels like awful carelessness and waste on our part.


I know humans are more important than buildings, but if something has made it all the way through from the C12th, and we trash it now in this century, it feels like awful carelessness and waste on our part.

good point, survives numerous wars and yet is taken out by what I bet turns out to be a rogue candle / fag butt

I would actually be comforted by that ??? but if you are thinking of the Paris Commune, is that not the Hotel de Ville that got destroyed and completely rebuilt. 


It’s a stone structure so the majority should survive.

Bet the builders working on the renovation are trying to get hold of their insurer tonight!  Dare say it will turn out to be some carless hot metal work or builders overloading a temporary power supply.

From Buzzfeeed News:


Church spokesperson André Finot told French media that the entire wooden interior, which dates from the 13th century, is burning and likely to be destroyed.

"Everything is burning, nothing will remain from the frame," Finot said.

There are hundreds of fire fighters inside Notre Dame, right up in those towers, risking their lives to save it. 

fooking fook the fook off and then fook off some more, you piece of shit.

Never touched the stuff.  You can have a go at my mental health all you like, but I've had hours and hours of counselling so it literally has no effect.  It just shows you to be what you're accusing me of.

me too stixta it was heart breaking. Its a huge set back, more so than York Minster, I dont think it compares. (Brought back 9/11 feelings to some extent, not really sure why :(, its totally different) shock I suppose.

It looks a bit different to the Minster though doesn't it?  When the spire fell into the main part of the building it looked like the entire thing went up.  I mean I know a lot of it is stone but it looks entirely engulfed.  

All the oak roof frame is ablaze or gone and according to reports the wood falling from the roof has set fire to wooden pews, wooden panelling and filigree partitions etc and they cannot fight that from within as they cannot enter due to falling timber and molten lead. So they are left with running hoses into the cavity and, effectively, hoping to get lucky or fill up the void with water. 

While this is sad it is quite offensive to compare it to 9/11 where 3000 people were murdered. And that isn’t just a comment made on this thread. This is just a building. 

But she didn't really compare it to 9/11, did she?  She said it brought back similar feelings, possibly because it is a huge shock.  And I understand that, I thought the same myself when I watched the spire fall and I cried.

What is it, be a fooking dick day?  

Modern wall-to-wall coverage makes things so much more visceral I think too.  When the Minster fire happened you just saw it on the evening news, and basically the aftermath.  So many iconic photos get taken now of the tragedy actually unfolding, so you feel more involved.

Please could the immature pricks stop doing their thing on this thread. Just for once don’t be such penises.  Thanks. 


Now we have reports of flames being seen in one of the two legs bell towers. If that goes all is indeed lost.

Reuters news agency is quoting an official with the French firefighting team as saying: "We can now say that the structure of Notre-Dame has been saved from total destruction".


If my home was on fire I'd save my kids, my wife and my cats.  Then try to save the house.  Nothing in it would matter.  That's why I'm trying to understand the relics.  My simple mind is thinking you can fill a building up with stuff again, but not replace it.

Maybe they can level the remains and build apartments for refugees on the site.  Would be a far more Christian act than rebuilding at great expense a carrot for the masses.

I think the real time coverage is confusing, one minute it looks like the whole building is burning, next it seems confined to just some areas, and the voice over about it all being lost...we wont really know for days/weeks.

i do hope they have enough left to rebuild but it has already crossed my mind it wont be done in my lifetime :( :(

I'm sure they will rebuild it. It will take a very long time but they will. 

I wish we had queued to go in when we went to Paris 3 years ago. I've been in but OH never has. 

You always think there will be another time. Sometimes there isn't. 

Anyone familiar with medieval history, or just history TBH,  will know that cathedral building is an iterative process and what we have today is simply the version as we know it in our time since it was last burned down, pulled down, sacked by iconoclasts or simply collapsed. There is no final version of these buildings. 

Hope the inevitable rebuilding won’t last like some architectural endeavours i.e the finishing of Sagrada Familia. I know it’s neither the same situation nor comparable but am just thinking from the point of view of exploitation of tourists in the decade(s) to come. So whoever was lucky to have been and seen Notre Dame (I was one of those) won’t be paying the entrance fee any time soon. Voila (sorry l’accent grave is missing)

I see Macron has stated an international fund raising campaign.

hmmm, not sure how I feel about that. Awful shame and all that but perhaps the French should repair stuff that burns down on their turf, let’s save international fund raising for situations where lives are at risk imho

Wow, a lot of massive over reactions on this thread.  Merkz obviously taking the lead on the fvcking mental response front but others doing well also. It's a beautiful old building. It's partial loss is a very sad thing. Nobody died. Life goes on and it will be restored/re-built.

Re fund raising I don't know if there are complications about separation of church and state that make it difficult for the French government to pay for the renovations. If not, the fund raising thing seems odd.

Thank you random man for coming along 12 hours later when the fire is out, and the main structure is known to be largely preserved, and the bell towers thought about to collapse didnt, to tell everyone their immediate reactions were not to your taste. 


What would we do without you 

Actually I do, thank you for your concern. I was to be honest a little bit depressed that one poster had said that he would be happy to murder another poster (and his entire family) if it meant a building didn't burn down and another had decided to bring up another poster's history of addiction in a massively over the top ad hominem attack because she didn't like the fact he had a made a joke about a building burning down and that nobody had called either of them out about it.