Brexit Party

Deeply intolerate of all intolerance according to Farage. Candidates will be business people (not politicians).

According to a rather unscientific poll, everyone in my local is voting for this new party (except the slightly annoying resident Labour bod). UKIP are a busted flush. 

i’m no fan of Farage but pretty disgusted by the frustrated interviewer on R4 trying to shoot him down immediately, asking what his party’s views are on Islam as pretty much first question.

and credit to Farage, surprised by this he just went silent and then said, we don’t have a position on Islam, this is about Brexit.

I do lol when people accuse Farage and those who vote for him of being racist. Its that kind of thinking that poisoned the first referendum. The second will be no different.

Not a lot of white faces in that poster, eh?

Then there was the time he said people should rightly be concerned about Romanians moving in next door to them, the time he suggested it was normal to refer to a Chinese takeaway as a "chinky", and the time he said parts of Britain were unrecognisable due to the sheer numbers of foreigners, to name a few. 

"people should rightly be concerned about Romanians moving in next door to them" 

"parts of Britain were unrecognisable due to the sheer numbers of foreigners"


Are comments based in truth. 

The Chinky one is just racist though.  He is obviously a racist, as are many of his followers. However, the stupidity of labeling anyone who voted to leave as either a farage supporter and/or a racist is not just wrong but seriously self pwning. 


Have had a pint with Farage. An absolutely top top bloke, great stories as you'd expect. A great shame he is not in the UK House of Commons but I do enjoy watching him at the European Parliament.

Have had a pint with Farage. An absolutely top top bloke, great stories as you'd expect. 

It is not in the least bit surprising that a knobber like you thinks Farage is a "top bloke".

I remember that poster LP. Surely even you'd agree the migrant crisis was something non racists would have a legit interest in not bringing to our shores? I specifically use the word 'migrants' and not 'refugees'.

Not many, but what happens when Germany either declares an amnesty or simply gives them all citizenship? A fair few are going to end up here.

Remember that poster and associated tensions arose in light of the German new year attacks.

Not many, but what happens when Germany either declares an amnesty or simply gives them all citizenship? A fair few are going to end up here.

Unless they are actually given citizenship, they will not have the right to onward free movement within the EU. And if we remained in the EU but enforced the three month rule (which we could have enforced all along), the number of people who would actually be able to make it to the UK and become self-supporting (in which case I see no urgent need to get rid of them) is vanishingly small.

It's just Project Fear.

Heh so people who don't want hundreds of thousands of migrants are basically Nazis? That's probably the vast majority of the electorate.

LP we're overcrowded as it is, especially in the south east. I don't want to add to the problem and neither do many people. Weren't you complaining about house prices? I suppose we could concrete over the green belt to accommodate everyone who wants to come here.

We are absolutely not overcrowded.

Less than 6% of the UK is built on.

34% is entirely natural, and 56% is farmland.

About 13% of the farmland is green belt, and much of the claimed overcrowding could be sorted by a sensible and non-political/nimbyist review of the green belt policy.

There's plenty of space.  In fact, an influx of new people would probably help with the economic development of some of the sh1ttier parts of the country.

He’s a moron who is letting an emotional and rose-tinted vision of the past affect his actions in the future.  He is a rabble rousing pillock full of rhetoric with absolutely nothing of substance behind it.

Also, contrary to popular belief he has never been a successful businessman, he worked as a commodities trader and then broker.  That is not a businessman it’s just a w**ky Tradertede who has about as much knowledge of how to run a business as Jeremy Corbyn.