Tory poll new low

It annoys me nobody seems to ask Sunak whether he is embarrassed as a prime minster that never  won a public mandate either for himself or his policies clings to power with such a pitiful level of public support.

It annoys me nobody seems to ask Sunak whether he is embarrassed as a prime minster that never  won a public mandate either for himself or his policies clings to power with such a pitiful level of public support’

But Gordon Brown - GORDON BROWN!!! etc etc

Fence Foal21 Mar 24 08:32

But Gordon Brown - GORDON BROWN!!! etc etc


I suppose Brown at least was chancellor for 10 years, Sunak was parachuted into the post mid 2020

Gordon Brown was a continuation of New Labour, it was pretty much the same government and same policies (although even then personally I thought he should have called an election, both morally and because he would have won an election a year earlier).  Also were New Labour ever on 19 per cent in any poll?

If you were to follow these polls at all you'd be chasing those Ukip type voters lost to Reform. No I don't think that's the way it should work. We voted for this shambles for a full term. We must eat the whole sandwich and enjoy it. 

Reform 4 points behind the Tories ?

that really is wipe out territory there - hilarious (in a schadenfreude way) that nearly 40% of voters who want conservative representation are going to be completely ignored at the GE 

I just hope that Starmer pulls on his big boy pants after the election and uses his massive majority to bring in a form of PR in order to ensure that the disgrace of the last few years can never occur again.

strutter I agree, for that reason I actually wanted a lab lib coalition for our next government, but the Tories have been so awful they have handed Starmer a huge majority on a plate.   The man is not a visionary and I dont see him volunteering to give up what he will see as 10 years of nailed on Labour majority - which is shame and the party and the country will come to regret it eventually, just as they did after Tony Blair failed to bring it in.

A fellow can dream hanners and if the last few years with fat alex, the lettuce lady et al have taught us anything it is that the 'good chap' conventions that used to restrain the government from overstepping are no longer in force and something needs to replace them

At the end of the day most people vote for a party so aren't too bothered about who's actually PM (that's ignoring the chunk of the public who never know who the PM is).

They really need to get out of this mindset that the tiny numbers of people who'll vote Reform is what matters and get back to trying to get the votes of the people who've shifted to Labour and the Lib Dems.

Starmer has the massive advantage over these privileged bomad grifting beancounter foreign Tories of being an extremely successful barrister, and therefore intrinsically ruthless, utterly contemptuous of flannel, all over his brief as an article of faith, with both the insecurity of the LMC and the assurance of personal achievement. He’s put barely a foot wrong. If he wins big he’s going to take the biggest dump on the ruling classes this country has ever seen.

don't even need PR - the tories have brought in so much draconian totalitarian nonsense that Starmer could just declare them illegal on day one and clean the stables

Why should Sunak have a personal mandate? The PM is just first among equals. We don't have a Presidential system. People teded on about this with Brown too (and Major, until he won in '92). It's bollocks. 

I think Dux because in the modern era in particular the PM is the deciding force on policy and if the public have not elected him to undertake policy X then it is all a bit run away nutter territory - though in the UK system I'll grant you this is all a bit academic 

There is no path for victory for the Tories because of the two potential voter bases they need to win - the social conservative working class brexity types and the educated middle class remainer types cannot be reconciled.   At the moment they are appealing to nobody because they have fooked up on immigration and levelling up to appeal to the former as well as the economy, and a sensible brexit to appeal to latter, as well as public services that are important to everyone.

reconciled them back in 2019.  all we need is to change leader again to somebody whom everybody likes because she's good at holding a sword up.  then if all else fails we can always get a by election to bring bo jo back in the autumn.  maybe get dom back to help. 




Jellymonster21 Mar 24 14:18

Rishi was parachuted into the Cx role because Javid refused to be DomCum's 4D chess puppet, and rishi agreed to be a pliant, good little boy. 


I follow Dom on Twitter and it's depressingly easy to see how he got to be a senior advisor and why he got booted out in short order

less 4D chess more 4D snakes and ladders 

"reconciled them back in 2019."


That was under the "get Brexit done banner" in unique circumstances when even most  remainers were bored of the stalemate.  To the extent brexit is still an electoral issue everyone can now see that the way it was done (even leaving aside the merits of doing it in the first place) was a monumental fook up so no help to the Tories at all.

Guy Crouchback21 Mar 24 15:16

much less subtle than that, as JRM has openly admitted, they tried to gerrymander by requiring id that many young people dont have.


I think JRM admitted it because in the UK young people tend to have a photo driving licence or a passport to go party it up in ibiza whereas the tory core vote of daily mail reading 80 year old spinsters have no photo ID

it's a great example of the tories importing something form the US without understanding the UK and completely fcuking themselves 

Immediately I hope.  It may help to address the imbalance in power in this country between those with their lives mostly behind them and those with their lives mostly in front of them.

If he ‘s got a 100 + maj (highly likely) he doesn’t need any more votes to address that imbalance or anything else 

I guess Labour doesn’t have an official position on votes for 16 year olds 

I'm sure there's a narrow path to victory for the conservatives.

It however involves a Russian invasion of the UK being repelled by Mark Francois, Starmer being kicked in the head by a horse and whilst dazed wrongly confessing to kidnapping Kate Middleton and finally Sunak endearing himself to the public by being caught on CCTV giving Gove a wedgie. 

most people vote for a party so aren't too bothered about who's actually PM (that's ignoring the chunk of the public who never know who the PM is).

that is patently not true though - Boris vs Corbyn 2019 being the stellar example 

A lot of people still voted for Corbyn just because he was Labour especially the ones who just tick the box with the rose with no idea who's actually running the party or what their policies are.