Trump NY Bond

As expected no one wants to provide his $500m bond… and NY says they are starting enforcement on the 25th of March. 

We are about to find out just how broke Trump really is when they start fire sales on his assets and revealing just how much ‘equity’ he doesn’t have.

The house of cards is teetering …


And as observed on Twitter oh the irony of a black woman driving this, given his history and his father’s of abusing minorities at every turn from slum landlording onwards. 

Fingers crossed this is a true turning point.

Watching the MAGAs fold will be just as sweet, when they realise there’s no more money out there for their grift. 

I have to observe I had not ever known there to be so many Nazis in the US. White milf and Slenderman Eunuchs like a plague.

This is indeed fun to watch but I am not getting too excited yet. 

I am worried James and the judge are going to bottle it and agree a lower bond/let the question of the bond itself get kicked up to appeal.

There was no jury in this case. It is an absolutely huge call for them to start dismantling Trump's business in New York because he can't raise a bond and leaves them very exposed. 


He is currently appealing asking to lower the bond amount to $100m.

But the first appeal on that was denied.. this is the second. 

Either way he is fooked … the shell game he plays is going to be exposed. 

not sure why you think the lack of a jury means they are exposed… they had a jury in the EJ Carroll case and they are still complaining about that. 




PerfidiousPorpoise20 Mar 24 07:07

Not celebrating yet either. Some combination of Musk and Putin and Thiel could come through for him.


he takes money from Putin and Biden gets to throw him in jail 

the "MAGAs" and celebrity Trump supporters (I suspect) would be very happy to let Trump sink and take his limelight, none of these guys "like" each other 

the RNC, just like the NRA, can be funded with dark money as far as I'm aware.  This would allow Putin to funnel funds through that channel.

Trump had a private meeting prior to the filing with Musk.. looks like his request was denied.

Another interesting thing reported this week, small dollar donors to the trump campaign are fatigued and has started drying up, big dollar donors are also holding back.  

Watching twitter, it seems the usual maga trolls have gone very quiet.

Other than the entertainment of watching Trump squirm, does anyone think this will actually affect him electorally? It seems pretty clear that as the most polarising political figure of the last decade, pretty much everyone has decided if they will vote for him or not..why would even a bankruptcy (not that one can happen before the elections) change anyone’s mind?

A lot of thick yanks love him because he is rich and they love rich people. When it is proven that he is in fact not rich then he will lose some of that support. The brainwashed MAGA cultists won't care, but they are not enough to get him elected. HTH

Wot Royalty said and what Scylla said: when he actually starts having to sell some assets it will doubtless reveal all sorts of newsworthy shiz and every news story about the Trump yard sale (oooh it was only a gold-leaf toilet!) is a news story not about something Trump wants to talk about. 

his comments on Jewish democrats hating their religion and Israel are having an impact.  Especially when you put video of it next to the Charlottesville Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us" next to Trump calling them fine people.

I think his support is grossly exaggerated and the media won't report that because Trump stories get eyes on screen.  

Does seem to be some suggestion that the bail amount is too large for any company to take on. Not sure if that is the case but I hope it isn’t so it means he is just plain uncreditworthy and not legitimately struggling to make it. Any US hedz know?

Other than the entertainment of watching Trump squirm, does anyone think this will actually affect him electorally? It seems pretty clear that as the most polarising political figure of the last decade, pretty much everyone has decided if they will vote for him or not..why would even a bankruptcy (not that one can happen before the elections) change anyone’s mind?

Agree with this. Isn't this just more fuel for the "stealing the vote" fire? The liberal elite etc. who hate the country are trying to keep Donnie out. Just doubles down on this thinking.

anything negative will be spun by DT as the "keeping him out" conspiracy and his supporters buy into that.

It's the undecideds and less fixated that will start changing their minds.  

Nothing he does now is going to get him thrown into jail in time for it to make a difference Sumo. Even if it is Putin he is hardly going to write him a personal cheque and there is no time to investigate anything now (yank justice moves slooooowwwww). 

In Trump's head it is already existential for him. He either wins or he dies in jail. I am not sure that is actually right in reality but pretty sure in his head that is how things will seem. 

Hitting him with a bunch of enforcement action might just tie him up enough that he can't campaign effectively but I am not even 100% that would work against him because at this point he really isn't make much sense. 

I dunno. I just don't understand how he can still be in the running.  People are fvcking weird.

Donny Darko's Soundrack20 Mar 24 11:32

Even if it is Putin he is hardly going to write him a personal cheque and there is no time to investigate anything now (yank justice moves slooooowwwww). 


I actually think the Putin connection with Trump is weaker than people make it out to be, I do think Trump basically wants to be Putin and admires his wealth and dictatorial power but I am not Putin reciprocates as much as people make out (I am also suspicious of how secure Putin really is - but that's another musing). 

So I suspect the cost benefit analysis to "Putin" of bailing out Trump, getting around sanctions etc etc and getting his money's worth is just completely not worth it. Trump didn't lift sanctions the last time he was president (though fewer MAGA party members in the US parliament then).


I don't think Putin is directly funding Trump.

Completely disagree about it being 'worth it' to Putin if he thought he could find a way though. Trump in the White House means no (or at least much less) military aid to Ukraine which means Ukraine has no hope of throwing the Russians out of its territory. 

Biden in the White House means tens of billions of military aid to Ukraine over the next couple of years. Which means Russia loses at some point in the next 2 to 3 years. Actually loses and gets driven out. Realistically that means Putin gets to have a heart attack or fall out of a window. 

Does seem to be some suggestion that the bail amount is too large for any company to take on. Not sure if that is the case but I hope it isn’t so it means he is just plain uncreditworthy and not legitimately struggling to make it. Any US hedz know?

If he had the cash, a bond company would post it for him.  Why wouldn't they?  Then again, if he had the cash, he could post bail himself.

As I understand it threep, people don’t put up cash or give it to a bond company but use assets as collateral and the bond company puts up the bond based on the security. Suggests he doesn’t have the assets to use as collateral. No doubt his whole empire is smoke and mirrors and he owns very little that isn’t owned by or charged to someone else.

Yeah but for large bonds AIUI bond companies would never take real estate as collateral given its poor liquidity and the DD you'd have to do to ensure it was worth what was claimed.  Cash or something close to it seems to be required.

Yeah fair point. You’d think he could raise the cash on the back of his illiquid assets but he’s probably leveraged to the hilt everywhere. 

I’d just tap up his moronic supporters for the dough - they seem willing to donate for his personal issues.

i suspect that the bond companies are concerned both by the value/liquidity of the assets and also by the possibility that if he does become president, he will just welch on his obligations.


Except Trump testified that he had the cash… 

But clearly he doesn’t. 

And all his properties  are leveraged to the max.. that was the whole point of this fraud case. 

He over valued all his properties to get loans… which means he has zero equity in them. 

The RNC doesn’t have any cash.. they had $8 million at last audit and all donations made through them are monitored by the FEC.

Not that they’ve actually done anything about all the dodgy dark money anyway… but still. It will just be more crimes to add to the list. 


I also increasingly think that in the unlikely event he looks like getting anywhere near power again he’ll get taken out by the CIA on national security grounds. 

I’m honestly surprised that he is still alive… for that exact same reason … 

I have to think that the documents he had a Mara Lago weren’t actually ‘that’ classified…or the CIA / FBI would have done something much sooner.  

I really can’t imagine the CIA sitting on their hands while he handed out the details of their agents and informants.

But if they did… that’s a sorry state of affairs for US national security. 

let's correct one thing (as this is how misinformation becomes disinformation)

It isn't "bail money"

It's a court ordered fine.

On the matter of a Jury, his "lawyer" forgot to request the jury option and as a result it defaulted to a bench trial.  Not grounds for appeal.

Let's also add to this that the evidence of his CFO (for the defence) has resulted in Weisselberg pleading guilty to perjury.


ChuffyChufnell 20 Mar 24 12:09

Yeah fair point. You’d think he could raise the cash on the back of his illiquid assets but he’s probably leveraged to the hilt everywhere. 

Scylla 20 Mar 24 12:15

Except Trump testified that he had the cash… 

And all his properties  are leveraged to the max.. that was the whole point of this fraud case. 


how is Trump's wealth held though? 

I assumed he doesn't hold much himself but it is in companies/misc vehicles he owns - his liquid wealth is in effect "Trump Co" shares paying him divis and the CEO salary he draws (probably some dodgy exec incentive scheme in there too he milks) etc which is probably not huge and it's all very tax optimised

I imagine the organisation would be unable to put up collateral for him to the satisfaction of a bond co if he doesn't directly own all these assets and I doubt he wants to grant some sort of pledge over Trump co shares etc

(I don't know the actual structures here, am totally speculating)

There’s now this issue of him receiving intelligence briefings by virtue of his status as official candidate in the GE. You have to think there’ll be massive pressure internally to give him nothing important at all, given he’ll try to sell it to Putin etc. But overall I get increasingly optimistic week by week at the moment. 

The British media coverage however remains shameful. To the point where it has to be asked who’s driving such a misinformed agenda. 

No one really knows how his wealth is held… if he even has any… he has thousands of shell companies registered…and most of the things he has his name on he doesn’t own he just licenses his name to. 

There are plenty of indications that most of his cash comes via money laundering out of Russia. 

And the dodgy tax schemes/executive incentives  were where this all started with the investigation into fringe benefit payments via his CFO. 

The CFO who spent jail time for it… 



That’s exactly why this bond is such a beautiful .. perfect… ass fooking for him. 

He has kept his financials under lock and key for decades to avoid the disclosure of what  going to come out now. 

He is nothing but a front man for dirty cash. 

His only get out of jail free card left now is to be re-elected President. He knows that, hence the rather desperate attempts at trial delays until summer / autumn.

So, will the great American population vote him in?

Not on the basis of talking to the many I know.

More Americans will vote for him than you’d think. 

The brainwashing is … severe.

But I don’t think he will win. He hasn’t ever actually ‘won’ the popular vote.. and the GOP have in practice lost every election (or fallen far short of expectations) since 2016.

I don’t think he even expects to win… which is why he is already starting the language of violent resistance /rigging etc. even now. To rile up his cult. 

His SCOTUS filings are laughable. 

He claims that no President can do the job without total immunity because reasons.

Completely failing to address that fact that the 44 presidents before him never needed total immunity… 

Even if he does win.. the DEMS seem well placed to take the house and senate so he will be utterly fooked. 

With the current rate of resignations from the GOP it is a possibility that DEMS will hold the Hoise Speakership even before the election. 

And that’s before the Trump RNC purge and total cutting of funding to all other GOP candidates takes effect. 


There comes a point where even the SCOTUS he packed for the GOP will be too embarrassed to find for him, even implicitly. But you’re right about votes. We have 7 and a half months for the Dems successes to sink in with the soft voters.

It seems to be at the point where most traditional GOP voters have decided to let MAGA just burn the entire party down .. in the hope they might be able to reclaim it from the ashes. 

Or that once Trump disappears so will MAGA. 

and then there's this:

Alina Habba, one of Donald Trump 's top lawyers, faces the risk of a lawsuit for allegedly tricking Alice Bianco, an ex-employee of his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club, into signing a nondisclosure agreement after she was allegedly sexually harassed by a supervisor.

Oh and here was were he got millions direct from one of Putins mates…

He attributed the massive increase to Reno’s.. yet the whole place got completely bulldozed after the sale.

And that’s before Russia/KSA  bought entire  floors of Trump Tower … and hundreds of millions of other Trump properties.


If we're talking schadenfreude, can we take a moment to enjoy, just a little bit, the fact that Peter Navarro has had to report to jail today to begin a 4 month sentence.

I don't really understand how Steve Bannon has managed to avoid this so far, but if they ever actually manage to get his disgusting, raggedy arse in jail, I will actually dance with joy.

Scylla, I will drink your share.

Lord, can you imagine it - Bannon, in a prison uniform, trying to bluster and bully his way through the system, and then realising that he is just another number in the system.

If they could only have found something on Lurch's young brother, Stephen Miller...

It does all seem to good to be true… given the Orange Shitgibbon is somewhat of a seasoned veteran on this front I suspect there is a turn or two left to play out. 

How closely monitored are the source of funds in these situations? Presumably it’s a massive security risk for POTUS to be indebted to overseas creditors looking for more than just a return on their investment. 

I also wouldn’t put it past him to be saying this now .. just to use it as fund raising from the cult. 

And to file it last minute. 

But there has to be a point at which this facade starts to crumble … 

Oh he’s totally shilling his base for donations. But how much have they got to give him?

Biden raised $53m legally in Feb I see btw. 

As always with Trump the real issue is how many shadier crooks are prepared to bankroll him. And the disinfectant of sunlight is spreading as spring beckons. 

And the real, stunning beauty of all this is that even if he somehow raises enough from the magaloons or Putin/KSA, every dollar the rubes send to pay his fines and legal bills is a dollar that some POS Republican federal or state senate or house candidate can't spend on campaigning.  Just hook it straight to my veins.