BBC pro government/brexit bias

Is reaching ridiculous proportions - 2 and only 2 vox pop quotes on its rolling news blogs



5 Live: The view from Birmingham Indoor Markets

BBC Radio 5 Live

Greg Pearce

BBCCopyright: BBC

5 Live correspondent Phil Mackie has returned to Birmingham Indoor Markets, where he reported from the morning after the 2016 referendum.

Greg Pearce runs a shellfish stall: “I think we should get out," he said.

"We should have followed the best deal there was possible and stopped all this party political fighting and just get out of it”.

Will Brexit happen? “I hope so”

Kathy Harding

BBCCopyright: BBC

Kathy Harding runs a health food shop: “I think it’s a total farce, but we’ve landed ourselves in a situation where we voted to come out, and nobody seems to know what they’re doing to get us out of there.

“I think Theresa May is doing a fantastic job… the stamina of the woman is amazing, but she can’t seem to pull everybody together and get them to agree on… something.”

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BBC now giving far more coverage to the small brexit demonstration outside parliament than it did to the hundreds of thousands marching on Saturday.


It really is beyond a friggin joke- if you watched the BBC you would think everyone outside parliament was a rabid leaver.

John Humphrys this morning on the Radio 4 when interviewing Liam Fox (that was pushing it as it was mostly a series of statements for the stupidest MP in Parliament to agree with) made the statement that effectively Remainer MPs had played procedural games to frustrate the peoples vote. Dr Dr Fox simply said yes!


Heh, the BBC are well aware of their own massive bias in favour of remain and are simply trying to find some balance. Most of the BBC interviewers can't even begin to keep the contempt out of their voice when they interview someone from the Brexit side. To be fair this is not helped by a massive lack of coherent brexiteers to interview so that Wetherspoons tw*t keeps being rolled out. 

They are well aware that when this is over, if the Brexit side do come out on top there will be a reckoning and they are trying to find some cover for when that happens. 

The problem is this is not a situation where there are 2 positions with equal merit.  One is the sensible status quo and the other is only represented as crash-out-with-no-deal recklessness (and it is reckless by any objective analysis).  

If it was a choice between (say) green wallpaper or yellow wallpaper then it’s easy to present a balanced view.  

In the brexit situation, brexiteer views do not “balance” the status quo, or even a soft brexit option.  

Coverage is massively skewed towards extreme brexit views imo.  Brexiter politicians are given massive amounts of airtime and all vox pops I hear are by people saying “why havent we left yet, just get on with it” or similar.  

It's not even the brexity nonsense that frustrates me most.

Time and again they are permitted to sit there and say 'blah blah manifesto ... blah blah we are either in or we are out'.

1) You couldn't even secure a majority against magic grandpa with your sh*tty manifesto. It's worthless, you have no mandate for it. It is an ex manifesto. 

2) Is Norway a member of the EU, yes or no? Is Turkey? Well shut up then.

Heh, the BBC are well aware of their own massive bias in favour of remain and are simply trying to find some balance. Most of the BBC interviewers can't even begin to keep the contempt out of their voice when they interview someone from the Brexit side. To be fair this is not helped by a massive lack of coherent brexiteers to interview so that Wetherspoons tw*t keeps being rolled out.


You take any group of reasonably intelligent educated professionals in Britian and they are going to be heavily remain, so I would imagine that the BBC news staff reflect.  So what?  They don't give their opinion.   What is really important at this stage given the deadlock in parliament/government is that the mood of the country is shown accurately.   The polls show 55% remain or at the very least that the country is split down the middle and yet the BBC presents it is as if the vast majority want to leave with no deal.  The largest march for at least a 15 years for another referendum was almost ignored while the small gatherings of brexiteers in parliament square was given wall to wall coverage including live coverage of speeches like the nonsense from that dick Mr Wetherspoon.   It is a palpable failure of a public broadcaster to present things as they are.

The largest march for at least a 15 years for another referendum was almost ignored while the small gatherings of brexiteers in parliament square was given wall to wall coverage including live coverage of speeches like the nonsense from that dick Mr Wetherspoon.

Eh?  The People's Vote march was all over the news and the papers wasn't it?

The problem was it was over the news and the papers on a weekend when people were either at the march or off doing family stuff. 

As opposed to being on a work day when you catch everyone's casual browsing / water cooler talk etc. and the press people are all at work and need to be reporting on something.

There may be some truth in the weekend/weekday thing arbiter but I don't think the BBC carried live coverage of the speeches for the remain march in the way it did for the Brexit protest.

They are also not reporting what everyone who has been in the viscinity says that the difference between the two protests are vast - one is like a drunken football crowd - the other good natured - guess which is which?

A friend of mine used to work for the BBC and he asked the question about live reporting of the people’s vote march on Facebook. One of his mates who still works there went and checked exactly what was broadcast and confirmed none of it was live.