Judge rules to name Firearms officer

The officer involved in the shooting of Chris Kaba will be named in the upcoming trial.

If he's found innocent, what are the chances for a normal life in London for him and his family?

I can kind of understand after the trial but it's odd naming him before the trial to give the gangsters a chance to get to him while he's still out and about on the streets.

Hard to see this as a good idea, but if they do hopefully it will encourage someone to finally reveal some more detail of the circumstances that caused him to shoot.

There seems to be a mania in the High Court lately for naming everyone and everything.  Family cases now are having real names.  Also client names in disciplinary cases.  Not sure where it's come from but it's going to lead to a huge amount of satellite litigation - and I can see firearms officers handing in their weapons if there's any risk of personal comeback.

He should be afforded the same protection as the soldiers in NI.  We're not dealing with ordinary upstanding citizens here, we're dealing with people who will got to extraordinary lengths to get revenge.

Hard to see it is a bad idea really. If there is sufficient evidence to charge him then he should be named. People have been publicly accused of much worse (in terms of likely public reaction) and then acquitted in the past. 

It's sh1t but you can't start giving cops special treatment on this. 

Kaba's family dropped their complaint after seeing the bodycam footage.

I have heard what it shows through internal networks and it left the officer with little option than to shoot.

It is known that the car was tagged as having links to an armed attack shortly before Kaba was seen driving it. 

Kaba's path was blocked and the officer had his weapon aimed at Kaba when he asked repeatedly for him to exit the vehicle.

Kaba chose to drive at the police officer, which was a direct threat to their life, so he shot at centre mass as they are trained. 

I don't believe he will be found guilty. But he may not be found innocent either (for societal reasons) 

If he's found innocent, what are the chances for a normal life in London for him and his family?

You're just provoking Rob Cannon now aren’t you? His hobby horse is that the Met don’t actually live in London. 

It was the BBC who brought the legal challenge to name the officer.

BBC - You utter tw@ts.

I have several friends in the police and the amount of abuse they receive is unbelievable. You'd be insane to ever go into the police these days. 

a friend of mine was involved in the arrest of the men who murdered Garda Jerry McCabe.  The gang (IRA) tracked him down and would leave little messages for him.  He was transferred immediately to another county and within weeks he received a letter containing pictures of his wife dropping the kids at their new school.

They moved him to a village in the middle of nowhere, effectively killing his career.

I’m a usual suspect when it comes to defending and …. I will say the same here

i have no problem with them seeking this, it’s their job

The judge on the other hand should do theirs and I really struggle with any outcome that ends with revealing the officer’s ID unless it’s relevant to the issues on trial (clearly I don’t think there are any but I’m no where near the Court)

The obvious permanent harm seems massively out of proportion