Israel and yellow star at UN

I am afraid that this is a big contribution to the dilution of a very key symbol of holocaust and Israel did not do itself a favor. 

Although I am not particularly pro-Palestine (let alone Hamaz), I struggle with this (yes I will take the beating) over dramatization by comparing the current conflict with holocaust.

Not every act against Jews or Israel is holocaust (and not everyone disagreeing with Jews is an anti-Semite)

I don't disagree but I think some people see the hamas attack as an isolated thing, not in the context of what Jewish people experience

And in doing so, they are denying Jewish people lived experience 

The Israeli government (which does not enjoy universal support among Jews in or out of Israel) is using the memory of the Holocaust to shout down legitimate criticisms. Deeply cynical.

Yes as usual Israelis love playing the victim and Holocaust and anti semitism card, it's the only thing they can use and it's laughable . Move on. It happened 80 years ago. Look at the genocide they are committing now. Barbaric country.

Purpose of holocaust= destroy the Jewish population in ways so horrific it takes a long time for the global community to believe it actually happened 

Purpose of Palestinian policy towards Israel=...

Seems an ok analogy 

NB I am not saying that the Israelis should “move on” from the Holocaust. I am saying though that I think using its memory to silence criticism of their policy in Palestine is wrong. The Israeli government is made up of specific political actors, it does not actually speak for all Jews, and it does not have the right to co-opt the historical trauma of the Jewish people for a narrow political purpose.

From where I’m sitting it looks a lot like the Israeli government using what happened 80 years ago as justification for doing the same to someone else which is perverse.  Khan Younis is starting to sound a lot like a ghetto…

wot spanky sed

whether u like it or not, ne attempt 2 mass murder jewish ppl does bear comparison 2 the holocaust

read the dominique de villepin interview that cookie posted on the other thread. it’s excellent

yeah fair point rr, not palestinian policy, hamas/islamic jihad policy

the palestinian ppl r just as much the victims and hamas have exploited them more than ne1

I’m not sure it is entirely baseless to compare one slaughter borne of hatred of jews to another.Scale and context are different but there are some common fundamentals.

read the dominique de villepin interview that cookie posted on the other thread. it’s excellent

I read it. He says there needs to be a political solution. I don’t think that goal is advanced by this.

No, of course. Netanyahu and other Israeli right-wingers have deliberately supported Hamas at the expense of moderate Palestinians, to cripple their prospects of statehood.

Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

But we are to believe that the Netanyahu government views Hamas as an existential threat to the Israeli state and is fighting a war against a new Holocaust, complete with gold stars. 

i have a q: did hamas intend the attack on 7 october 2 coincide with the 50th anniversary of the start of the yom kippur war and, if so, y were they 1 day out?

‘yeah fair point rr, not palestinian policy, hamas/islamic jihad policy’

Wel yeah if she had said ‘hamas policy’ we could all agree. But she didn’t, she deliberately used the word ‘Palestinian’.

TOoD, it was that day because it was a holiday, so the numbers of soldiers on duty would have been reduced, everybody would be relaxed, possibly with a hangover, having a lie in.

Classic tactics.

Wel yeah if she had said ‘hamas policy’ we could all agree. But she didn’t, she deliberately used the word ‘Palestinian’.

Exactly and she does it consistently so either it is deliberate (it is) or she is a total muppet (also possible/likely). 

propertylawsucks31 Oct 23 07:59

Yes as usual Israelis love playing the victim and Holocaust and anti semitism card, it's the only thing they can use and it's laughable . Move on. It happened 80 years ago. Look at the genocide they are committing now. Barbaric country.

Who on earth is upvoting this disgusting little toerag

I haven't but it's exactly what I said above.  Something bad happened to us so now we have a God given right to do exactly the same thing.  I missed the bit where the bible said an eye for eye unless you're Jewish in which case you can demand five eyes in return for one of yours.



Yad Vashem commented on Erdan’s display of the yellow star, which is highly sensitive due to its symbolism from the Holocaust, saying that wearing it in such a way “dishonours both the victims of the Holocaust and the State of Israel.”

“The yellow patch symbolises the helplessness of the Jewish people and being at the mercy of others. Today we have an independent country and a strong army. We are masters of our destiny. Today we place a blue-white flag on the lapel, not a yellow patch,” Yad Vashem chief Danny Dayan said.

There are some distinct similarities between the holocaust and what's happening:

1. A large number of innocent civilians being detained

2. Those same people being denied adequate food, water, and medicine

3. The more powerful controlling force carrying out atrocious acts of violence leading to death of innocent civilians (including women and children) on a mass scale

4. The rest of the world stands by and watches it happen…

This article is particularly on point as well.


Also, a number of people on here doing the classic conflation of what's at the heart of this conflict and the criticism of Israel.  But it's often deliberately employed as a deflection mechanism to steer conversation away from what is patently obvious......that a nuclear superpower dropping bombs on a defenseless, malnourished population for 23 days (and counting) causing indiscriminate death (not to mention pain and suffering for those who manage to escape it), is abhorrent and cannot be justified by any reasonable, humane person.

’is abhorrent and cannot be justified by any reasonable, humane person.‘

and yet a handful of halfwits on this board are doing exactly that, with a nice dose of Islamophobia thrown in for good measure.

Taking Gorlami's points, would it be fair for the Palestinians to seek attention for their position by starting to wear yellow stars? They are clearly in a position of weakness, which is one of the arguments Yad Vashem picked up on in dismissing Israel's action at the UN. The world would probably explode (of hypocrisy).

Do Palestinians (those that do) who hate Israelis hate them because they're Jews (racism) or because they believe Israel stole their country (not racism)?

Asking for a friend.

benj - those who I know categorically do not hate Jews. Now, admittedly, they are of Palestinian ethnicity but grew up in the US which means that they've formed more worldly, western views as a result of growing up alongside people from different religious and cultural backgrounds.  I think it's fair to say that even prior to 7 October, most of them had a strong dislike to Israel because of the previous 75 years of occupation.  But these friends are all intelligent and compassionate people who recognise that not all Israelis condone the treatment of Palestinians and that many Israelis take a more reasonable position on co-existing as part of a two-state solution.