Really resent having to buy a new boiler

What a load of gubbins

Should be on the nhs!

Thanks for asking, mutters, I am feeling annoyed about how expensive and hassley adult life is. I think I might take on more work so I can think about that instead even as the house grows ever colder around me.

Adult life is a constantly aggressive pressure to compromise on your values and hopes.


I can’t really answer your question for fear of confronting truth, but I appreciate your care in asking. I wish you well. Don’t worry about the boiler. Get a new one and delight in the availability or warmth. 

To add to the whinge, my boiler failed after less than a year.  The man from the boiler service company was completely flummoxed and couldn't fix it.  Another man from the boiler manufacturer with decades of experience had to be called out and he fixed the darn thing.

Meanwhile, yours truly had booked into a local hotel.

Merkz - mine was (is) a Worcester Bosch.

It needed A Man from Worcester Bosch to fix it.  

I was happily settled into a hotel while my house was flippin freezin with no hot water!

And to make matters worse.....the person supplying and fitting your new boiler is probably on a big fat rebate from the supplier, so you're paying twice. Oh and you'll probably be charged for a new flue and other fittings when they never leave the van

Other than that it sound gr888

Bugger, i have googled* and the body snatchers were ten years b4 victoria was crowned.

*because otherwise serge will do so and oretend to have known the exact dates all along

I have recently bought a house where I did NOT have to immediately buy a new boiler. This has never happened before! Such joy. However I am thinking about an air con unit for the bedroom (south east England) and it costs about the same 😕

A boiler really isn't expensive given the luxury it provides 

In the flat we've got some archaic system that must be older than me and it's reliable as anything 

Only the shoddy new build ones that seem to go wrong all the time. District heating and the like 

People who say old boilers are more reliable have, unfortunately, fallen into a logic trap. The only old boilers (arf) still knocking about are the few that survived for decades against the odds. Nobody remembers the massive plurality of failed boilers of the same age. It's called survivorship bias.

Same logic fail that saw 2nd world war airforces see this image of planes that made it back to base all shot to shit and decide to reinforce the bits with holes. DOH!


Changing a PCB on a boiler is no different to doing a children's puzzle

Since when did Worcester Bosch become the preserve of the middle class? It's a boiler.

If it's not a straight swap and any flow or return plumbing is required to install, it could be ballsed up and the boiler might give up in a short period of it has to work too hard to do its job 

Well, I had to. bite the bullet , and have a new WB boiler installed yesterday, the old one , despite its best efforts couldn't very often run heating and hot water , simultaneously as required. Pressure was constantly very low, among other things.

So, 6 weeks ago, I set about starting the process of having a new boiler installed. Guy turns up, and says " I cannot do this, I don't have the gas, electric, AND water certifications which is required to do the job and have it signed off. I had no idea, probably my fault TBF in not explaining to him the issue, other than saying I need a new boiler.

Chap turns up yesterday, removes the old one, installs a new one, and eight hours later, hey presto. Unsurprisingly, I had little idea, just how complex, fiddly this work is. All electric, smart meter gauge thing is now recording an increase in electric use. Oh well.  What I did notice plumbing is now very much a different trade than it was even ten years ago. He turned up on time, work clothes appeared to have never seen any traditional plumbing work ever. He didn't stop, throughout the whole day, and explained what he was doing, why he was doing, and the challenges he faced, hence it took so long.

And the supplied and fitted price, jesus christ. Oh well this I guess is something even the most avid DIYers wouldn't dare attempt by watching youtube. He said dry work is very lucrative, but as boilers are so proficient now, there just isn't the footfall of instillations he would want. Tomorrow he was unblcking drains all day, he didn't look happy at all