RoF Christmas Drinks

Yes, it’s September you khunts etc, but my December is already filling up and I feel like a date needs to be pinpointed. 1 or 15 Dec would be perfect. I can’t organise it as I’m not London based and also I don’t want to. 



Ill be there but CBA organising it, not least bt wise of all the oh Laz it’s Laz hey Laz it’ll never happen rank bull shit that would ensue. FAOD if I did organise it it would ofc happen and would ofc be great.

I sympathise sometimes with Trump’s desire to lay down the facts over the heads of the h8rs, tbh. I think we all feel that way sometimes.

Asturias Es Mi Patria01 Sep 23 09:49

I don’t mind helping out (booking karaoke) but supporting act only cheers 


come on sun, your version of babooshka is legendary 

I am in fact extremely good at organising things as evidenced by the many flawless deal processes I have overseen. I have also organised numerous very successful evenings out. ROF drinks have been organised by Laz previously to great effect. All in all then, kindly pipe down esp those like Force Me Jaw who don’t know me from Adam - who were you again?

Alright then, you crybabies, I’ll organise it if nobody else will. I’m not promising to turn up, mind you - that will depend on how I feel on the day, it’s possible I won’t feel arsed enough to even come into town.

heh @ Dusty. 

My diary isn't so much looking sparse in December as being gloriously empty. I don't even know  which continent I will be on in December yet! 

Donny is struggling (as am I) with Middle East planning versus UK planning.


Everyone in the UK plans things a LONG time in advance.


One of the mums at school proudly announced that she has just booked their summer holiday for 2024!!!


It is nuts.


I much prefer ME still chaos.  


This made me actually look at the diary and realize 01 Dec is the Dubai 7s. 

Donny Darko's Soundrack01 Sep 23 11:31

I don't even know  which continent I will be on in December yet! 


surprised they let you rof from CIA black sites tbh

1 Dec, 1700h onwards, Dirty Dicks liverpool st, towards the back.

If you're just staying for one, or drinking softies, please don't come.

C U there.

>>>>end of thread>>>>

Rhamnousia01 Sep 23 13:44

Bailey - I am fully prepared to have to go serious happy place 


wait, what? 

you have a happy place?

what does that look like? penultimate act of Event Horizon? 

The karaoke should be left to messrs asto and strutter in their sole discretion.  Provided that discretion is exercised towards the same horrible sticky floored smithfield hole as usual.

There were drinks organised by Badman and Montie.  

I got all the way to waterloo, planning to go, but then I remembered both Montie and Badman were penises, so I went home and ate cottage pie.

Badman didn't go.

These were secret drinks, for reasons unclear to me.  They were held in the slug and lettuce, again for reasons unknown.


I ll be at Ellend Road  for Leeds v Watford on Sat 23rd September and will be downing pints in the Griffin (by the Station) from 12 before doing corporate hospitality 


see u there?

There were some fun drinks at The Fence by Farringdon last year. I think ROF put some money behind the bar too (at least, there was a tab going when I was there).


We need to nominate a project manager. 

I’ve always admired Dusty on this front. She should deffo organise it as she’s ace at making things happen. 

Do I have a seconder?

WAIT. I haven’t organised anything for RoF before so I have no idea upon what you are basing these outrageous claims! 
Also, I’m not in London. 


and can it be on 15 December thankyouplease. 

I would absolutely love to do this, but unfortunately I’m super busy until 2036.

We need someone with lots of disposable time, as evidenced by their prolificacy on RoF. It’s going to be a Hyoo Christmas. 


If Badman can make it, I’ll be there too. I think it may be easier for us on 15 Dec than 1st… but I’ll let him confirm. 

I don’t have time to organise- and also can’t be arsed - although I’d love to see some if you. You know who you are. If you don’t know, probably not you so much. 

emjayjay27 Oct 23 19:29

I........ .......can’t be arsed 


well, that's not what is says in the rof toilets! 

I was going to ask about this this week! 

Dusty - was meaning to message you. Should you need to stay en londres to attend just drop me a message (it's MM BTW).