350,000 attending pro-Palestine march in London today
propertylawsucks 28 Oct 23 15:03
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With honeybun on this one. Yes there are bound to be some anti-semites present but the vast majority are likely to be there to show support for the Palestinian civilians who are dying by the hundred.


The evil puppet master is Netanyahu who actually funded Hamas in 2019! 

The Palestinians are desperate people. When you create the awful conditions that the Palestinians have been subjected to for decades by Isr@el it creates the Hamas' of the world. You don't need a genius to figure that out and that is why the state terrorism by Isr@el will never work

Israel should've begged forgiveness instead of permission and finished this two weeks ago. 

But it's not really my business just as it's not the business of the ghouls having a wee march l.

Cookie, you literally perpetually insinuate you're a long suffering expert in things when you're just a dude with a library card.

Chimp - the wait was the permission bit.

Now any connection with the original purpose is too drawn out.

Maybe now they claim to have killed the leader they'll stop but then what.

They are of course allowed to engage in peaceful protest 

I do find it quite odd that there is no pro peace in Israel or even joint peace protest - not many Israeli flags at the protest 

I’m still flabbergasted by the notion that incessantly bombing a civilian population before a ground invasion where they have now declared Gaza a battlefield is ‘asking permission’.

These people have the vote.

I suspect that even clergs realises what a disastrous hole she has dug herself into this time, but the "you're just a dude with a library card" dig was worth reading the thread for.

Fully support this march to protest the disgusting oppression of the palestinian people, as should anyone with any morals. Good guide to Who’s a Secret C.unt, this issue.

“Cookie, you literally perpetually insinuate you're a long suffering expert in things when you're just a dude with a library card.”

This is bang on the nose from clergs tbf 

Fully support this march to protest the disgusting oppression of the palestinian people, as should anyone with any morals.

The cause is just.  The march is a front.  As indeed the OP demonstrated.  "Respect." "From the river to the sea".

Many of the brexity people now calling for pro palestine marches to be "dealt with" were hand waving the BNP clowns away as a tiny minority of pro-Brexit demonstrators. 

I mean Israel either renders every Israeli who doesn't have dual citizenship a stateless refugee at extreme risk of murder or


There's no compromise position

Quite literally kill or be killed

What would you do?

I mean Israel either renders every Israeli who doesn't have dual citizenship a stateless refugee at extreme risk of murder or

it doesn't do that.

Didn't need bilbo baggins to solve that riddle eh?

Some of you are just so stupid, racist, vile, fools.  Just shameless. Thousands upon thousands are dying before our eyes and you trivialise it. 

Those fckuers have cut all communication even to aid agencies -hmmm I wonder why -so they commit atrocities so the world cannot see. 

Thousands upon thousands are dying before our eyes and you trivialise it. 

Nobody (as I see it) is condoning Netanyahu.  The man is a bigot, a cretin, a power-mad short-termist self-preservationist who would throw his religion and his people under the bus to save his own skin.  Half of the people of Israel have always seen that; the other half is beginning to.

That though is being used as an excuse for racists to come out in their hundreds of thousands to demand the completion of the Holocaust.

Short of banning all religions, I can't see a way around the paradox of Hamas not resting until every Jew is dead, and Israel not being able to eliminate Hamas without also eliminating thousands of Palestinians.

Well, hamas was formed in 1987 but Palestine has been committing terrorist attacks in Israel since 1952 so

Not sure getting rid of hamas (even if that were possible and we should all be scared of the global implications of their thriving) solves the problem. 

It doesn't matter if all Palestinians hate Israel or not (although I am pretty certain they must). Enough do that Israel can never peacefully co exist with it.

Until recently, tens of thousands of Gaza citizens crossed into Israel for work on a daily basis.

Palestinian civilians in the West Bank have lived in relative peace with Israel since the PLO were kicked out.

The only people who can get rid of Hamas in a peaceful way are the Gaza civilians.

Well, hamas was formed in 1987 but Palestine has been committing terrorist attacks in Israel since 1952 so



sorry I am waiting for a brilliant point. There were terrorists in 1952 so the Palestinians are eligible to be massacred in 2023? Is that your point?

Really confused here as to how you are justifying your calls to exterminate Palestinians because *shrug* no choice they are all vermin?

The march was every bit about peace 

Lies on the front covers of today’s right wing press include:

JIHADI DEMO LEADER IS NHS GP - there was no “jihadi demo” fyi

Everyone knows the left hates Israel and has done since the Soviets started feeding the narrative in the late 60s. Socialist Worker and the unions have been as preposterous as ever this time around. 

"quite a few Hamas flags", lol, you need to get your head checked and stop reading the Daily mail bile. 

How many people isr@eli support marches - like 3 people?!


I saw images of body parts of little children blown up in Gaza. I started sobbing. They took me straight to the times in Afghanistan conflict when our 
(and other people's) loved ones would be returned in bags but only their body parts. 

It's the most horrific feeling when you see little feet and clothes in person, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. 

Those who won't oppose the violence could do with imagining their loved ones in those bags to feel what people are going through. 

More violence is not the answer to violence.



Thousands of people at the Israel demo last week. There’s probably 10% Jews to Muslims in this country if that. Dwarfed in size by the Palestine rallies but rallies are what Islamists do plus many on the Left who love a cause celebre. 

Most British people are fairly apathetic about the whole thing, though with a healthy distaste for terrorist sympathisers, especially those who take over Central London. Worldwide you are not going to find many non-Muslims wandering around the streets waving Palestinian flags. 

Will these marches have any effect on government policy on Gaza? No

How long will it take Israel to raze Gaza? Days

Will the neighbouring states act? You’d better hope not. 

Worldwide you are not going to find many non-Muslims wandering around the streets waving Palestinian flags. 

This is as true or untrue - and just as meaningless - as the statement that

Worldwide you are not going to find many non-Jews wandering around the streets waving Israeli flags. 

wilfredrostron29 Oct 23 12:36 Reply | Report

Everyone knows the left hates Israel and has done since the Soviets started feeding the narrative in the late 60s. Socialist Worker and the unions have been as preposterous as ever this time around


in the uk parts of the hard left started supporting palestine (and by extension opposing israeli policy) in the 90s - prior 2 that socialism was generally pro-israeli. 

even then it’s only been a handful of extremists on the left

the right has traditionally been the hotbed of antisemitism. and the tozzas continue 2 have their moments eg “cultural marxism” but they’ve deflected, enabled by corbyn and his abhorrent bunch

the difference is the right tend 2 b islamophobic even more and so in their internal battle of the phobias…

I don't think people are massively bothered Bertha, largely because (i) Jews are a privileged white race who run the world and are settler-colonialists; (ii) a little bit of violent harrassment pales into insignificance compared to the horrors that the Jews have inflicted on a proud, indigenous people for 70 years. 

The wonderful irony of all the current anti-Semitism is that it will increase immigration to Israel and reinforce its rationale for existence.

Most British people are fairly apathetic about the whole thing, though with a healthy distaste for terrorist sympathisers, especially those who take over Central London. Worldwide you are not going to find many non-Muslims wandering around the streets waving Palestinian flags. +

Pretend what you want, but most British people have moral standards they judge others by, and currently Israel is not meeting them.  A military operation clearly aimed at Hamas would have had widespread support, regardless of inevitable civilian casualties (it certainly still has my support, good luck to the brave troops on the ground).  Israel taking the opportunity also to wreck savage revenge directly on Palestinian civilians because it makes their right wing extremists feel good will not.  All the 'you're antisemitic' and 'but some Palestinians started it, look at some pictures from a month ago' whining will not be enough to hide you. 

The world is watching. 

yes people are concerned by it cooko

would you like us all to take a leaf out of your book and post pointlessly how beyond our comprehension it is and how it will never be solved? and how we should all watch difficult television programmes about it? I always feel those posts of yours add terrific value 

For the first time in my life I cried at news footage this morning. On Twitter, possibly not on traditional channels.


Three children are on the floor, probably of a hospital. Doctors (or somebody) are feverishly working on one who is almost out of shot. The camera panned to the face of the girl next to her: her face was motionless, one might almost thing emotionless - except it was fixed in a rictus of pain.

Then the camera panned down her little body until you could see there's something wrong with her knee, and finally the jagged and bleeding edge of her femur of which several inches are sticking out of her thigh.

I don't know what to do with this. It keeps popping into my head.  

The "From the River to the sea" thing is getting even messier as other factions adopt it (just like BLM did).  The deeply unpleasant israeli settler used it when interviewed on the Today programme last week.  It has its own meaning for him.

That’s horrific benj. Lots of really harrowing images are coming out of there, it was the poor man with his child’s body parts in two plastic bags that got me.

Why is everyone shit scared of “from the river to the sea?” Get a grip for goodness sake, it’s Israel that has violently expanded way beyond its internationally recognised borders, yet you’re scared of a resistance chant from a disenfranchised and oppressed people. Look at the reality on the ground!

Honeybun if the phrase doesn’t mean a Palestinian state from the banks of the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, which would mean the state of Israel being wiped out, what does it mean?

Has anyone actually listened to the Andy McDonald speech? It's not hard to see where his sympathies lie on this issue, but the way he used the phrase "between the river and the sea" can hardly be said to be invoking genocide, "literally" or otherwise. The speech is on his Twitter feed. His statement is pasted below.

The one thing that is not helpful in the Israel/Palestine issue is the lack of nuance. Once again it is absent here.

His idea of a two-state solution may be very different to something that might be realistic, but he is explicitly NOT talking about the eradication of the state of Israel.

but the way he used the phrase "between the river and the sea" can hardly be said to be invoking genocide, "literally" or otherwise. 

He is trying to cleanse a phrase chanted by a hundred thousand racists to hide the obvious meaning.  Would you ever say Work Makes You Free on a recruiting poster?

He is trying to cleanse a phrase chanted by a hundred thousand racists to hide the obvious meaning. Would you ever say Work Makes You Free on a recruiting poster?

He is not trying to hide its meaning. He is saying something completely different.

Your comparison to arbeit macht frei is as fatuous as it is tasteless. There are a lot of hot heads about on this issue at the moment. making yourself another one by saying things like this is foolish.

Diane Abbott deserved to be slung out of Labour for what she said, as of course did Corbyn. I don't agree with Andy McDonald's views on pretty much anything, but there is a deliberate overreaction here by Labour leadership to make a point. That may be tactically astute on their part, but that doesn't make it warranted on its merits.