If when you snuffed it, you could travel to any 3 points in time in any geographical location, which would you choose?

Just in case those are the actual options when the time comes. I’m planning ahead. 

Feels a bit of a cop out but the answer is probably future events in my kids lives. 

It mildly depresses me that realistically I won’t get to see the next wave of really life changing technological shift (the effective end of scarcity a few decades after we crack nuclear fusion and AI makes production almost completely autonomous) so I’d quite like to visit a greened desert in about 2200. 

Spend some time with my dad before he started to fail.

Talk to myself so that I don't say 'no' when my third ever serious girlfriend asked me to marry her. What was I thinking?

After that, I dunno. Watch the Apollo 11 moon landing and EVAs from the Sea of Tranquillity?

See what actually happened to the dinosaurs.

Watch the first nuclear explosion.

Go to Rome at the height of the empire to see if it was as debauched as we think it was.

I'd go see Jimi at Woodstock and take some of the blue acid

I'd go see Nirvana in Sir Henry's in Cork, a gig I was supposed to go to but hadn't heard of them.

I'd visit Boris's parents the night they conceived him and talk them out of it.

I would go and watch Hitler top himself in 1945

I would go and watch the pyramids being built - aliens?

and for the final act I would travel forward to the heat death of the sun and the swallowing of the earth. That should kill a bit of time in the afterlife.

If back only:

1. My son being born.
2. The assassination of Julius Caesar.
3. The crucifixion of Christ.

Ranging through time

1. cf
2. with my boy as he draws his last to comfort him
3. the sun going supernova

When I pop my clogs I doubt I'll be bovvered enough to want to see anything, past present or future, but in the spirit in which the thread was started, I'll take a stab: 

The Ice Age.  flying over the Eurasian steppe and seeing mammoths, rhinos, steppe lions  and all the incredible creatures that existed in that period would be totally awesome.  So would the dinosaurs, but I've always been more interested in the Pleistocene.  Seeing the Chixulub impact would be wild though.  

What really happened at Roswell... 

...and being a fly on the wall during Blair's trip to Murdoch's den in Australia in 1995 would be interesting, to put it mildly... 


I want to think about them Deemus, so I'm going to drip feed them, past and future, some personal some historical.

I would like to witness the period when my great grandfather said goodbye to his family and stepped aboard the boat that brought my family to the UK.



Third girlfriend - no idea what happened to her. She went to Australia with the intention of marrying, and that's all I know. 

I was married, but I'm not now.

Intention of marrying someone specific, I should say. Not like she went off there hoping to find an agreeable Ocker or similar.

@Benj, I'd a similar experience, had a fight with the Australian girlfriend so I didn't speak to her for a week, during that week she returned to Australia and married some geezer...  a mutual friend met her a few years ago and she was surprised I was still alive...

She was so pretty..

Anybody who sets the controls for the crucifixion is in danger of making the computer crash. There's a very high possibility that there was no crucifixion, and a fairly high probability that there was no Jesus.

There is, however, a good SF story about the same sort of thing, though: Ecce homo, IiRC, by Michael Moorcock. (Or maybe it's Behold the man? I disremember.)

in my case, Debbie wasn't exactly pretty, but she was so hot.

Beginning of the second year at Uni, because of an off-campus week, I was late back to halls of residence. Soon as I got there, all I heard was 'Debbie this', and 'Debbie that' and 'Debbie the other' from all my mates (she was a first year) and then when I met her I thought 'Meh'. 

Two weeks later we were shagging like rabbits and this went on all year. But more than that, it was the companionship, we were so sympatico, made each other laugh all the time, had interesting long conversations into the early hours, walked around doing nothing enjoying each other's company, studied in the same room for hours on end. I'm probably seeing it with nostalgia coloured glasses, but she's definitely the one that got away. 

I'd spend the day with lee harvey oswald on the day JFK was killed

I'd be there when the berlin wall came down in 1989. for the vibe

might relive a successful moment or 2 playing cricket


...really some personal stuff but it's too outy

The moment I would love to see as a fly on the wall would be the private audience between the Queen and Martin McGuiness. I consider it the most historic domestic event of my lifetime.

Part 3 would be Pyramid related. On the assumption that time becomes immaterial, watching from inception to the final closing of the chamber and the ceremony that accompanied it. 


To see the old part of the town where I was born developing from a Roman settlement, listen in to Britons speaking the old language, then the Anglo Saxon settlement around the church and the spring,  the new Norman church and castle on the high street, the open field system and the start of records of names and births and deaths. No need to go into the future. 

Ditto Sieto. I posited this as past or future without thinking what my own choices would be. Just interested in the notion.

When I actually contemplated it, nothing about the future particularly intrigued me. Something else utterly historically compelling that happens in my lifetime might qualify but nothing of a generalised nature. 

Deal RR. Recall it now you remind me. Been a long tiring day. Could get worse. Dad getting very abusive to mum. Luckily (or unluckily) I haven’t had a drink. 

When I woke up at about 4am this morning (slightly earlier than usual) I found myself vexing about this again.

I think I have to include being present at that point in time (BBT) when 'matter' emerged from what was presumably a void of anything. That does my head in trying to contemplate nothingness.

On re-reading the thread, it seems especially poignant that my fly on the wall moment was the 'crowning' moment of the  achievement of peace here in the UK 48 hours before it all went pear shaped in the Middle East.