All these new podcasts, who listens to them

There is a new podcast with Ed balls and Osborne, there are about half a dozen UK politics ones. How do they all manage to survive? Who listens to them? 

Another one from Goalhangers - The Rest Is Money with Peston and McGovern, which many of you will hate.

But a great section about the decline of the London Stock Market, which is not getting enough coverage, because of course the tories. And pension funds, and British managers aren’t good enough at sweating assets vs the US. So, in effect, more Great British Hubris.

Can you see why we might want to be part of a larger market now?

Likewise the Two Matts, currently pointing out how embarrassing the turnover in holders of the offices of state in the U.K. is since, oh, 2016. While RishiWashy Work Experience fails to sack Fvcking Suella. 

Get these grifters out of office and out of the country.

Who listens to them? Depends on the podcast. A lot of it is people looking for echo chambers. Some are genuinely interesting. Leading (the long format interview bit of the Campbell Stewart offering) is absolutely brilliant and has had truly fantastic guests. Best thing I have listened to in years tbh. But then I guess even that (and the main podcast) is a bit of a centrist dad echo chamber.


The problem with this stuff is it’s a substitute for doing anything. Campbell and Stewart are well connected but nauseating. Plus the bigger they become the more general and ratings focused they become. It’s Campbell’s pension. The way he refers to Lineker - who has a piece not sure how much of Goalhangers that makes all these - as ‘the gaffer’ is also nauseating. It’s a club for the bien pensant. Moving into the space - get my footie talk - vacated by the Beeb.

Well, there’s certainly an exciting new football history one smiley

Didn't know about the Osborne/Balls one; two guys I respect, I’ll check that out.

It’s Rory’s pension/ticket much more than Campbell’s. Campbell is close enough to the Blair money making machine that he owns his Hampstead lifestyle outright by now. But agreed it is as bien pensant as it comes. 

As for Lineker, when this Tory government falls he will have done as much as pretty much anyone to bring that about. He is a long way from perfect but deserves some credit for that. 

Oh no. Did he take the platform he had from being a public service sports broadcaster and make some points that were very obviously correct and in the public interest? Oh no! 

I never really understand the silly fuss over GL and his political opinions and posturing , however sanctimonious and irritating they undoubtedly are.

The Qatar world cup was my personal GL highlight 


"I am so outraged and disgusted by this awful World Cup in this evil country that I almost said no to a shedload of cash to cover it"

Almost ?

"well I'm not Spartacus"

I like The Newsagents. It’s taken a year for them to establish it, but I think they’re now finding their voice. Good mixture of old and young journos. The US coverage is excellent and they have some truly interesting interviewees (eg Malcolm Turnbull this week). 

Malcolm Turnbull was good but the trio presenters are massively annoying. They work as little as possible too. Dimbers was a great interviewee yesterday but the three of them Christ they like the sound of their own voices. Thing with all these people is they have great address books but shit obvious takes on everything. 

A lot of these podcasts I very circle-jerky. Probably appeal to a demographic that corresponds to the typical Roffer but if you’re outside that demographic can seem very parochial. 

For example, the news/politics podcasts all have the same concentration on Anglosphere that the UK mainstream media has: US, Australia, bit of NZ and Canada and maybe France when there is something happening. Very little consideration of secular developments or Europe-wide trends. Lots of very much the same sort of middlebrow person with very much the same Weltanschauung.

Agree Bertha. I think they need to fine tune the vibe a bit. I find Sopel a bit grandfatherly and then Goodall ends up being rather overly deferential to him. It’s a bit weird. Maitlis good though, really suits Global, she was wasted talent at the BBC. I also rather enjoyed the episode on the Huw Edwards story and the thinly veiled insults they made towards their former colleague Victoria Derbyshire who I think has single handedly destroyed Newsnight into a Loose Women magazine show. 

At the end of the day though, it’s great there is more moderate middle of the road sensible content going around. I’ve seen some of the GBN crap and Christ it’s depressing. Run by absolute children too. What was Andrew Neil thinking? 

Pre diffusion of tech etc and in the days of good old fashioned gatekeepers you could rely on the established media to be balanced and moderate. A lot of pods are v poor and basically self published radio. Famous for 15 minutes. In segments, 

What everyone said about these things being echo chamber circle jerks in the main.

I listen to Oh God What Now and it’s amusing enough, but there’s a reason Ian Dunt binned it off months ago.

I listen to Oh God What Now and it’s amusing enough, but there’s a reason Ian Dunt binned it off months ago.

That was remainiacs. Do you think Dunt is a leaver now boy? 

Err no. I think he has the ability to look at different sides of an argument and explain his thinking. Unlike say Alex Andreou, who is too busy lolling at his own jokes.

There’s far too much matey ‘joshing’ in podcasts, that is just soooo annoying.

I enjoy well produced and presented BBC stuff like More or Less, The Inquiry and The Briefing Room.