Predictions for Matildas v lionesses today?

Me: Draw in ordinary time

England Ladies will have to step up two whole gears if they are going to put in a performance to beat the Aussies. They've looked pretty pedestrian all through the tournament. 

This is a good game but is being spoilt by the realisation that Lucy Bronze looks like John Terry through one of those what would you look like if you were the other sex/gender filters. 

Anyway that’s a great finish from Toone who’s had an otherwise poor tournament. 

England absolutely brilliant. Kerr missed a couple of sitters which would have made it very different but nobody can argue that the best team didn't win. 

Every player did their bit, but Hemp and Bronze deserve the lionesses share of the plaudits.

Just remember how often my optimism has worked this summer and never accuse me of “Wellers”ing a match when we lose despite it!

Remember how well optimism can work!

Not great that England seemed to be at their best when they have been at their least diverse.

Yeah, team spirit would be awful if there were any LGB players in that squad. 

It must be exhausting for risky types waiting for something terrible to happen to this England team so they can gloat about it. One more chance for you lads on Sunday, but get it wrong and you know where the flares are going. Best do some Kegels now just in case.