Petition to Revoke Art. 50 Adding 100 Signatures Every Three Seconds .......

Currently at about 290K, started less than two days ago. is not exactly gloating, heh

say do you actually have any real life friends? I do not mean prostitutes with whom you may be friendly nor do I mean brexiter online friends.

Tom, as much as I find the idea of a holiday in Dubai utterly unappealing, I am even more astounded that people would go on holiday with LA. I'm calling bullshit.

I realise its a tiny expenditure of effort (which rather goes to the importance of it as well), but if 4 million people signing the petition for a second referendum has achieved the square root of fvck all what exactly do people think less than 1/16th of the Remain voters signing this is going to achieve?

Bingo !  That’s 1,000,000 people who have signed this petition in the last 32 hours or so.

Still ticking along at over 4,000 per minute and the traffic is so heavy a lot of people cannot reach the web page.  


That’s a bit churlish.  The UK is notoriously a place where people are too polite or too ignorant to do anything about politics.   Here, something like one Briton in sixty has found their way to an under publicized website and registered their concern on a political question - and all in less than two days.  That doesn’t happen very often. In fact, it’s extremely rare.

So it may or may not be a decisive political event and we will not know until we see how many people finally do sign the petition.  But even at a million votes it’s still definitely worth talking about. 


I voted remain.  but much as I thought the lunatic fringe of leavers were a bit obsessive and weird, so I think the lunatic fringe of remainers are a bit obsessive and weird.



Precisely.  This petition is not an official plebiscite, has not been publicised, has not been debated endlessly for three months, has had no advertising and STILL it has attracted the support of about one Briton in sixty in less than 48 hours. 

And still rising fast......

Clubbers, Corbyn is an absolute fookwit who wants a hard no deal Brexit and won't be in the same room as Chukka Umunna. If anyone else were the leader of the Labour party right now - literally, anyone else - Labour would be storming ahead in the polls.

Even if Corbyn came out in favour of revoking and remaining, Labour would storm ahead.

Here, something like one Briton in sixty has found their way to an under publicized website and registered their concern on a political question - and all in less than two days.  That doesn’t happen very often. In fact, it’s extremely rare.

Eh?  Lets completely leave aside the fact that there is no way that it is actually 1m people.

What do you mean exactly by under publicised?  There can't be a single person who participates on social media of any form who hasn't seen it is there?

Its being spammed left right and centre over Facebook and Twitter.

I follow exactly 10 accounts on Twitter:

- My daughters' school

- Jimmy Carr

- A US home automation software company

- A defunct train company

- A prominent US YouTuber (film-making / NY)

- Two canadian YouTubers (Photography and Computers)

- CBeebies Grown-ups

- A quant investing author

- A NUFC fan who invests in shares / bonds

Not only has it come up on my feed but I even know its come up on my feed despite almost never looking at Twitter because Twitter decided to email me about the tweet.

Yeah, in about 50 years, according to Jacob Rees Mogg.

When your kids will be older than you are now.

Seriously, you'd better stop wanging on about how much you love the Tories before your kids are old enough to understand what that means, otherwise they'll be mightily pissed off with Daddy.

Can we therefore assume that you intend to disinherit all your kids and let them get onto the property ladder and become financially independent through their own sheer hard work alone?

You are right rationally thinking Fred, but little about this is now rational - it is all about emotion.  It is about building momentum, about showing May there is not so thing as "the Will of the people" and she cannot tell us what "we" want.  It also shows the EU that we are not all anti European and may encourage more indulgence from them- particularly if backed up with a million plus march on Saturday.

Fred these things (especially the march) will get media coverage and are a display of how people generally are feeling.  Like a weather-vane.  If 1m people go on a march in central London, there is a hell of a lot of strength of feeling out there. 

No Kimmy, they're a waste of time. If the march was against the PMs strategy but respected the referendum result I'd be out there too. Instead it's just another event in the long war of attrition that's got both sides absolutely nowhere.

I wish there was something more constructive to get behind. It's still student politics at its finest and the PM is as much to blame.

The PM has ignored both the people and parliament since she came to power. This has directly led to our only realistic options now being no deal or revoke.

The choice should be clear.

"Maybe Guy. I just don't see how this petition or the march change the nature of debate. It's been leave v remain ever since 2016. Nobody is going to change their minds".


Not quite Fred, the debate has changed. I am a remainer but would never have previously backed A50 revocation without a referendum.   That is because I naively thought the worst that the government would allow to happen was an ordered brexit.    

What has changed is that May is backing us into a corner and a no deal Brexit is so awful that even revoking without a referendum and no doubt bolstering the populists and giving khunts like Farage political oxygen in the process is preferable.

Maybe Guy. I just don't see how this petition or the march change the nature of debate. It's been leave v remain ever since 2016. Nobody is going to change their minds.


So you're calling both the PM and the Leader of the Opposition nobodies.


Finally something both sides can agree with.


Agreed.  The long term lesson of Brexit is fat British politics and particularly the House of Commons has deteriorated sharply and is full of very low quality people.  We urgently need better MPs.  

The present lot are tribal, ignorant, lazy, venal, complacent, inexperienced, under-educated, monoglot and in some cases just plain silly.  They also have a high tolerance for self-promoting rogues like Boris Johnson who wouldn’t last a minute in a serious profession.  


I think backbench MPs have always been a bit of rag bag - the difference is that at the moment they actually have power.   The difference in quality is at the top.    Moderate reasonable people are getting shoved aside in these febrile times in favour of the those that shout loudly

We need to start shutting up about respecting the referendum result  -  We haven't event got to the end of the withdrawal stage and it is evidently unmanageable - circumstances have changed radially and it will be failing of democracy if we harm ourselves for a generation by leaving on a no deal when the majority of the population are against doing so.

Why bother with a referendum?  It is just a stitch up to excuse revocation and is only ever going to be viewed as a stitch up by anyone that revocation is going to piss off. 

The sensible thing is to save the time, money and acrimony of a referendum campaign and just go straight to revocation. It’s what everyone calling for a ref wants anyway - so why not have the balls to drop the pretence and just ask for the sensible thing?

At least a second referendum would wipe the slate clean and 2016 Quitters would then be the losers.

So you’re  saying the Remainers should just STFU and accept they lost?

Why is re-running the referendum until Parliament is happy with the way people vote going to make the winners of the first referendum any less pissed off?

Of course the Quitters will claim an affront to democracy. The Remainers haven’t even won a referendum and they’re claiming an affront to democracy. 

2nd Ref is a terrible idea. Not as bad as Brexit, but a terrible idea nonetheless. 


The Remainers won a referendum in 1975.  If the willy of the people is to be determined only by referenda the score is now even at 1-all.  

But that is not our constitution.  We have a representative democracy.  MPs are not delegates.  They can simply ignore the Referendum if they want.  

Anyway, the 2016 Referendum result was bought with foreign money and lies.  How about we lock up the people responsible, some of whom are MPs, and have another vote ?   A fair one ?

or accept that whatever 17.4 m people voted for in 2016 (because many of them voted for unicorns) is too damaging for the UK and we don't do it.

If slightly more than half of a class of toddlers wanted to lick their fingers and stick them into the electric socket, should the teacher just say - "oh yes, go on then.  And all the rest of you who didn't want to do this stupid thing have to do the same."


"If slightly more than half of a class of toddlers wanted to lick their fingers and stick them into the electric socket, should the teacher just say - "oh yes, go on then.  And all the rest of you who didn't want to do this stupid thing have to do the same."

No.  Because toddlers in school are not constituents of a democracy.  Next.

And our democracy is a representative democracy.  We elect MPs.  They are representatives not delegates.  They have to do what they think best, not what we tell them.  Otherwise we would have the death penalty back in about two secs. 

Parliament could simply ignore the Referendum.  Parliament is sovereign.  

The Remainers won a referendum in 1975.

It did occur to me after posting that I should have put it as "won a referendum the result of which hasn't been implemented".

 They can simply ignore the Referendum if they want.

Agreed, a much better answer than dragging this thing out for months whilst the people who will be pissed off anyway bleat on about the lack of democracy in just keeping on calling additional votes until you get the result you want.

If slightly more than half of a class of toddlers wanted to lick their fingers and stick them into the electric socket, should the teacher just say - "oh yes, go on then.

Yes, it would be a good lesson on the superiority of UK engineering (none of them would come to any harm, unlike if you did it with say a German plug socket).