London types - St Pauls

cool stuff to do and places to eat near St Pauls...taking Ego4 for a day trip - age 12 (f).  Got the show sorted needed other stuff plz chiz.  Is it worth going up St Pauls - not done that since i was a kid.  By "near" i mean like 15 mins walk tops...or at least on the way to St Pancras. Chiz 

Tate modern and globe not that far away but guess a 12 year old probably wants to do fun stuff not boring shite 

There is a McDonald's? 

I'd just get on the lagers 

I get a warm fuzzy feeling when ROF is actually helpful...chiz folks

when i say day trip it's actually 2 days staying near SPauls...will have a look at Haz...also japanese/other asian type be good...

some other good suggestions TY

where are the good eats near STP ... I always go to dim sum duck... we'll get some lunch on day 2 before heading back

sounds good...hoping to stay local to hotel as I hate travelling around and we did Camden last trip so she got her first lungful of weed

hope you are well btw OB...long time!

From St Paul’s it’s no bother to get to Bethnal Green / Shoreditch area so you should do that.

also she will love people watching on the tube so you should travel about a bit and no real bother to get about. You know your role here is human taxi / city enabler 😂🙌🥰

all good this end, glad same is true for you - #4 is 12! ❤️

Brilliant view up top, but not necessarily something that a 12 year old girl would necessarily be keen on - ironically, making the long climb up might be better received a few years down the line when she's gotten into Instagram and selfies.  

There's a fellow on the South Bank that does a pretty good routine involving juggling flaming torches.  Fair number of places to eat etc.  

Ivy Asia at One New Change does good Asian food in an Instagrammable setting.

Tate Modern is within 15 mins and worth an amble across the bridge.  It has become a bit of a hang out for the fashionable arty young things in the early evenings.

If she likes Harry Potter one of the films had some shots around that area, up the river, etc.  It could be worth watching it and then going to find the locations.

A RIB boat ride might be fun (did that for a date once - but you might get wet so might be more pleasant on a warm day). Also I saw a good - but out of date - write up for this unbranded Harry Potter esque experience which looked fun: The Best Afternoon Tea in Soho, London | The Common Room – Cutter & Squidge (

(I haven't tried it and it's a bit pricey, but looks fun - there's an alcoholic option too)

Actually for the Harry Potter type afternoon tea suggestion, pretty terrible reviews recently for their previous "potions experience" on tripadviser, so might be better to give them a miss - shame as I though it looked fun and was considering taking my children.…

@ Jelly, they aren't branding it "Harry Potter", but yes: "rum butter soda" and "unicorn sours", "firefly ice tea", as well as more conventional drinks. I've only seen one review, without much detail, of their new "common room" experience, but the previous "potions class" experience looked fun when reviewed a few years ago - but it seems the experience side - if not the food - went downhill after that. Now it's the "common room experience" and I think probably just a few token riddles and some atmospheric decor, plus vaguely Harry Potter themed afternoon tea. 

Common room experience:

"With walls wrapped in vintage wallpaper, eclectic furniture that’s comfier than an old sweater, and knick-knacks sure to transport you straight into a world of magical wizards and witches and a limitless supply of all-natural, handcrafted delights, the Common Room afternoon tea experience is like no other!

Scratch your brain and solve a riddle or two as you sip on mystical bottomless GTs or Prosecco! If you’d like to skip the bottomless option, The Common Room has a specially curated menu of lip-smacking enchanting cocktail concoctions! All this paired with a trio of the most sumptuous rolls served in vintage books you heard right alongside your favourite company, makes for an experience you’ll never forget!

If magic is your thing, this experience is right up your alley! This experience also caters to different dietary requirements, so whether you’re vegetarian, a meat-eater, vegan or wheat-free, there’s a little something for everybody!"

Website description:

"Welcome to The Common Room!

Enchanted Elixirs Welcome to The Common Room, Cutter & Squidge’s magical den tucked away in the alleyways of Soho. We have a wonderful selection of all natural sweet treats, handcrafted savoury snacks, and more! Sink into our snug sofas and fill yourself up to the brim with delicious food, whimsical cocktails and leave with a heart full of memories! This delightful afternoon tea experience is like no other. Put your wands down, grab a mug of tea and swap notes on alchemy. Your Head Girls, Annabel & Emily Speak to your server to upgrade to Bottomless Gin or Prosecco for £15!"

so far I have booked the thai place for dinner round the corner from the hotel.  we are seeing Six which i will hate but apparently she will like.  other than that nothing booked/sorted.  Next day prob will try St Pauls then a mooch round smithfields etc.  thanks all so far.  London is odd, there are areas I know really well then others like here I have rarely been to.

London Museum. Go up walkie talkie. Climb the monument. River taxi to Tower of London then back up and down to Westminster as it gets dark. Royal Exchange. Postman’s Park. All of the lanes around Cornhill. Globe theatre. 

was going to say postman’s park - haven’t been for years but she might like cock/mocktails at zetter townhouse? 

It’s the London the tourists never get to see.