Tr**s making a comeback, say 'papers

Is this some kind of sick joke? 

Supposedly she is planning to reinvent herself as a Thatcher-like standard bearer for the low-tax, small state economy that she and lots of Tories think is the answer. She may be right on that but she ain’t the person to lead that crusade.

And I lolled when I heard she was planning a major speech soon setting this out. Because of course her legendary oratory is bound to rouse millions to support her.


Needs to find her level.
I think she’d make a reasonably good clerk for a rural parish council somewhere

yes she might occasionally lock all of the minutes in the boot of the car and drop her key down a drain. Or give all of the parish funds to a wealthy Nigerian general suffering a temporary cash flow crisis. But that sort of stuff goes on all the time in local government, I think she’d be forgiven.

🦆🦆🦆 it is the brexit cult turning the UK into a 3rd world country. Laying it all at the feet of the lettuce is convenient but false. She and Kwarteng did accelerate the descent a bit though. 

Rubbish. While leaving the Single Market has damaged the economy, "Trussonomics" brought it to its knees. Without a doubt, the worst Prime Minister in history. 

The wealthiest countries in Europe with the highest productivity have high taxes and government spending levels.  Truss and her ilk are simply wrong, both in theory and of course in practice.


Lol@that fvcking moron 3dux trying to disassociate himself from this.  I didn't want this type of brexit!  Also I didn't want a confirmatory referendum on the final deal that was available!


You and every other brexiteer own the calamatous last 7 years you stupid khunt.

Truss' long term gift to the country is to bury the myth of tax cutting our way out of trouble for a generation.   It was painful but in the long term may have been worth it to shut these fools up.

Low tax small government does not work, Brexit did not work -  you had your chance and screwed it -now the whole lot of you fook off for twenty years and leave government to gown ups. 

Of the recent prime ministers I have met, she was the least impressive.  On the other hand, she's the only one I knew at all personally so it may not be a fair comparison.  

Cameron, though a good prime minister in many ways, made the worst political decision in British history in his reckless brexit gamble.  


At no point have I ever advocated leaving the Single Market, either before the referendum on EU membership (when I was quite vocal about it) or since. 

Nor have I ever supported Liz Truss. In fact, I joined the campaign for one of her opponents.

I admit that I retained my membership of the Conservative Party, which is presumably what you are referring to, but did so partly to exercise influence from within, and partly out of misplaced nostalgia. I have since resigned. 

Cameron was not a good prime minister - he may have looked and sounded the part and not an obvious lunatic like Johnson and Truss but he made disastrous decisions not only with Brexit but also austerity.

i think he’s getting more at ur original support of brexit

remoaners sed at the time it would either be really shit or really really shit

u don’t get 2 excuse that that has panned out exactly as predicted, if not worse, just cos u have turned against 1 of the policy implementers

I thought it was a flawed institution with a democratic deficit. I still do. But in the seven years since the referendum, there have been plenty of options to reach a resolution. In principle, I wasn't even against a confirmatory referendum which put those various options to the people, including a Customs Union and rejoining the Single Market. 

She didn’t actually lower any taxes at all though. The reductions described were all planned to be implemented this April following Obr review.

there then followed an artificial flash crash. Lots of people made huge sums of money from that 

the Bank of England itself made profits in that four week period that almost doubled the cost of the 45p tax cut.

Jeremy Hunt will lower tax likely in the same amounts this year.

At no point have I ever advocated leaving the Single Market, either before the referendum on EU membership (when I was quite vocal about it) or since’

probably shouldn’t have voted leave then (and then voted for Boris). It was clearly set out in the infamous  leaflet that we would leave the single market…

that is still purposefully missing the point

there’s no value howling about the manifold other options a couple of which definitely definitely might/would have made brexit a success, when almost all of them were neither practically nor politically nor democratically nor philosophically available. nor were they guaranteed 2 make brexit a success

the point is u were told this at the time and u still voted. threep is saying u have 2 own that. u cannot hide behind claiming that others didn’t do it how u wanted it, cos how u wanted it was not on the ballot

history will be kind (4 want of a better expression) 2 truss in the sense that it will recognise that while she was totally and utterly incompetent and a disaster, it was her immedi6 predecessor and his lackeys who truly damaged the country lastingly

the proof of that is that rishi quickly undid most of the damage truss achieved, and has merely restored britain 2 bodge level basket case

the bizarre "campaign" where her and sunak and mordaunt gaslit the press into somehow believing an election was taking place was one of the strangest episodes in the strange last decade of british politics

she's just so weird and the idea that britain would elect someone that overtly weird if given any say is unserious


Heh @ poor little hyoobert’s desperate attempts to be an edgelord on this thread.

Weekend quiet as always is it hyoobert?

2bf 2 my m7 unkle hyoo, his response is consistent - the point is he has a different calibration of successful outcome.

u have 2 remember that he is really bitter about how he feels the world has unfairly treated him. he specifically wanted brexit 2 c britain burn. so in that context, there’s nothing contrary or irrational about claiming truss got it right

OK I accept that, in voting Leave, I should have foreseen the possibility that we would also leave the single market. I didn't. In fact it never occurred to me that the government wouldn't just accept that as the natural default position. It's unfortunate that any attempt at compromise or any nuanced perspective was rendered impossible due to polarisation. But there we go. Would I vote the same way again, knowing that? Not sure tbh. Probably. But the whole thing is pretty depressing. 

Team 3 Dux here mostly..

One of the problems we now have is the complete polarisation of politics. 

It’s almost all the fault of the alt right but remainers (like me) would do well to remember that we need to bring moderates (and he is one)  like Dux with us if things are going to get better.  

Its a full on fight for democracy and our future both culturally and economically depends on us persuading those previously open to persuasion   To alt right ideas to not make the same mistake again. 


dux seriously, in all that has happened in what way do you think life in this country is better because of Brexit?    I am quite surprised given what you post that you still do not regret Brexit.

For me it's a question of principle, but if, as you say, it doesn't matter to most people, then why doesn't the government (or at least the Labour opposition) propose a compromise solution? 



OK I accept that, in voting Leave, I should have foreseen the possibility that we would also leave the single market. I didn't. In fact it never occurred to me that the government wouldn't just accept that as the natural default position. It's unfortunate that any attempt at compromise or any nuanced perspective was rendered impossible due to polarisation. But there we go. Would I vote the same way again, knowing that? Not sure tbh. Probably. But the whole thing is pretty depressing. 

fairy nuff

i’m mildly surprised by the “probably”, but otherwise that’s a fair and honest appraisal.

and we can agree on the last sentence. tho admittedly i should b sympathetic as u don’t get the epicaricacy of “i told u so”

3-ducks03 Feb 23 09:38 ReplyReport

Of course Liberals will excuse Truss and blame Brexit. They are just as ardent as she is in their love of Free Trade. 

balanced free trade has lifted billions out of poverty. there’s a massive difference between pragmatic balance/steady evolution and extremist free trade puritanism

Supposedly she is planning to reinvent herself as a Thatcher-like standard bearer for the low-tax, small state economy that she and lots of Tories think is the answer. 

She did that whole bit once already; it didn't work out so well. 

If at first you don't succeed...then please have the decency to fark 'orf with your stale old disproven ideas.


Dux you sh1t on about "sovereignty" and "democratic deficit", both of which would have been undermined by a Brexit that left us in the single market.

Answer the question without meaningless soundbites: in 2016 how did you imagine that a Brexit that left us in the SM and so subject to the rules of the various EU institutions which Britons no longer democratically contributed to, would possibly in any way increase our "sovereignty" or reduce the "democratic deficit"?

It's unfortunate that any attempt at compromise or any nuanced perspective was rendered impossible due to polarisation.

and good bothsidesing there, dickhead

I mean let's go from a position where our elected officials (elected under a much more democratic voting system than our domestic one) largely write EU rules and regulations to having to abide by them but have no say in their content, that'll sort out the ol' democratic deficit

Answer the question without meaningless soundbites: in 2016 how did you imagine that a Brexit that left us in the SM and so subject to the rules of the various EU institutions which Britons no longer democratically contributed to, would possibly in any way increase our "sovereignty" or reduce the "democratic deficit"?

Just in case you missed this Dux

What I’d give for her levels of self-confidence 

Thankfully, not everyone is endowed with such an efficient personal reality distortion field, or the world would already be a smoking ruin.    

that’s it, eh - superficially those self confidence levels sound appealing, but a moments thought and it’s obvious that a fundamental pre-requisite 2 achieving those levels is complete delusion



that’s it, eh - superficially those self confidence levels sound appealing, but a moments thought and it’s obvious that a fundamental pre-requisite 2 achieving those levels is complete delusion

Unfortunately, the current zeitgeist (not just in politics, but for public figures of many kinds) is all about projecting the cast iron self confidence and charisma of the cult leader. 

Nuance, caveats, and the admission of areas of doubt will get often you booted in favour of someone with a more emotionally compelling story to tell.

I'm not sure what it's all about. The desire for certainty in an increasingly uncertain world perhaps?    

What I’d give for her levels of self-confidence

It's not self-confidence.  It's a bone-headed refusal to listen to any other point of view, nuance, reason, or to think critically (or at all).  Also a refusal to engage with anyone other than people who egg you on unreservedly. Underneath, there is probably a lack of confidence, lack of empathy, and not a lot of intelligence. 

Why 1951? Bizarre comment.

That was the year of the Festival of Britain, the year that most rationing ended, the year that the term "rock and roll" was coined. It was quite an eventful and forward-looking year, all said. 

Also, the article suggests that her hard Right ideas distanced herself from her earlier Liberalism, whereas in fact they were an extreme manifestation of it. She is very much from the school of Liberalism of Arthur Seldon, an early Thatcherite. 

All in all, a poor article.