Chuka heh

Electoral system is against a new party - almost the exact same thing was tried before under SDP.

Needs to concentrate on electoral reform before the next election - it is no longer the intellectual argument of before, our current system is actively and obviously now fvcking over the country.     

In broad terms I agree with that, but I do wonder - at the moment if you took the moderate left and moderate right out of the tories and labour, and stuck them in a single party (possibly called the Diberal Lemocrats?), they would be the obvious place for many many people to place their vote.  Not only because they are likely to have policies with broad appeal, but also because they would allow for a protest vote against the old guard.

I htink one of the real dangers we face in the UK at the moment is that of a charismatic psychopath promising to "drain the swamp", who would then lead us far to the right or left.  The state of the world is such at the moment that such a person could easily put the UK on the wrong side of having started WW3.

Guy if you could take say 100 or more moderate MP's from the existing two main parties and set up a new party that would definitely have an effect even without electoral reform as it would essentially make it impossible for either of the other two parties to have an overall majority.  Reckon you could certainly get 50 plus out of Labour.

Sails, that is fine until the next election - you would then find that the existing party machines would win most seats and most of your 200 MPs would be out - there are too many people in this country who vote Tory or Labour from habit for new party to really breakthrough.  Our electoral system is really designed for a 2 party not a multi party system which requires some form of proportional representation to work.

People often say I look like a sleazy old pervert tbf. I'm not sure whether it's the twinkle in my eye, the wandering hands or the gently undulating beer gut. 

I'm rather assuming that after the creation of a large new party it gains traction and the rump of Labour ends up like the Lib Dems so you've still got two main parties being Tories plus new party.

Re Chukka, although it dates from a few years ago, I only learned the other day that he was accused of not being 'politically black' by a Momentum activist.

Any fule kno that women, non-whites, and LGBTIQ folk can only be regressive leftists. 



There needs to be at least 40 of them to make any change, and then maybe the left side of the Tories might break. At present the hang of four from the SDP in the early eighties had much more intellectual weight than the present 'gang of four'. That didn't ultimately make any difference, so if only four go today it will be even more a damp squib. However, this country does need an effective centralist party.