So, my next door neighbour has just shopped her 13 year old daughter to the police....

For being aggressive and violent towards her - because she didn't want to go to school.  The police have just been round and given her a "stern talking to". 

They have now left, and she is now repeatedly slamming the doors in rage (yes, I can hear through the walls, no, this isn't some crime ridden estate, and yes, I live in a quiet village).  The mother is at her wit's end, apologising for the noise.

The noise is pretty annoying, and I would like to do the neighbourly thing (not) and have words with the daughter.  Not sure it would help.  But, seriously, wtf?  At what point does it get so bad that remonstration has zero effect?  Thank god I do not have children.



sorry just saw thread title!   It seems a little weird to me, I think I would have just let her stay at home (informing school she is simply refusing to go) rather than call the police.

Well, the child is threatening and physically violent towards the mother. She is at her wits end. Apparently the daughter regularly trashes the house.

She is less aggressive towards the father,  but he is a gentle soul and a bit of a walk over. 

And, Dux, you would be surprised if you thought this might go on round here. Thing is, one never knows what is going on behind closed doors, well, unless you can hear it as it reaches fever pitch. 

I might call the police if there was uncontrollable violence,  this however would appear to be a tantrum over refusing to go to school  to which the obvious immediate solution is to just live with it and call the school.  But I admit background and precise nature of what was going on it pertinent.

You live in the UK on a council estate; no wonder. Try living in a fvck off 140 storey apartment with views to die for. This kind of behaviour doesn't happen here - Asian maids raise kids too well. Even the whitest kid will turn into an Asian angel. There is no way I will breed with another white person.

This is more common than people think.  I know someone on board of major company / massive house in Wimbledon village, really nice chap, three kids, one at Oxford etc.  One of the kids, a school age teenager, is in foster care due to uncontrollable violence.

Laz - have to disagree. Middle class will call us for burglaries and very serious offences where it is obvious police are needed but otherwise are worried they’re wasting police time.
The VAST majority of calls for lower level stuff come from those who know, through their own experience (from being accused of it themselves by others) what the law is and the fact that we have to investigate. Unfortunately these tend to be from the working class.

I know we don’t smack our kids these days but surely teenagers are fair game if they’re being violent to parents. Imagining what my old man would have done if I’d have lamped my mum 🤣

Laz - completely agree but unfortunately we’re terrified of negative press. Tell some of them to fook off and the Heil will be all over it. Senior management would have kittens.

As the parent of a formerly violent child, I have a lot of sympathy for this situation (even if we don’t really know the causes of Glasserz neighbours situ).

All fine now *touches head for good luck* but it took a couple of years of cognitive behavioural therapy with a therapist to get there.

At its peak the violence was effing scary and yes it made a difference that as a large bloke I was more physically able to control a situation than their siblings or mama and had we not gotten help, our fear was that a third party might eventually involve the police.

mental health issues are everywhere and effect a lot of peps m8s