Why won't Steve Bell just stay cancelled?

I think you need an advanced degree in weirdness to even begin to understand the ‘cartoon’.

I’ve seen various folks say it is something to do with Shakespeare, or with the Vietnam war and also the BMA strike…🤪

Bell appears to be so far up his own arris that only 3 other folks in the UK got it, none of whom actually read the Guardian, and they are all cartoonists themselves.

Oh, I didn't even see that it's meant to be a body. (This is why I am useless in art.) But is that meant to be his own body? The orientation of the head makes it hard to tell. He's carving out a pound of flesh from his own body?

he's carving out a pound of flesh


I thought the scalpel meant it was a surgical strike.

And it being on Bibi's body meant that Bell thinks Gaza is a part of Israel.

I think it is tryong to say that surgical precision wielding a scalpel (air strikes) is impossible if you are operating on yourself and also up for a proper fight (wearing boxing gloves). An element of massive self harm too.

Bell says it is simply a map, but it's clearly meant to be a (cancerous) growth on his belly. 

But the Jewish pound of flesh trope is writ large here.

I think it is tryong to say that surgical precision wielding a scalpel (air strikes) is impossible if you are operating on yourself and also up for a proper fight (wearing boxing gloves). 

That is actually very perceptive, although I have a feeling that maybe you are giving the creator too much credit ... 

Although given that the whole trial at the end was basically rigged against the foreigner thanks to an advocate who had no rights of audience, wasn't Shylock more sinned against than sinning?

I definitely remember finding Shylock much more sympathetic a character than Bassanio, who has a sense of entitlement to his profligate lifestyle and expects it to be funded come what may with no regard to others. Antonio would have deserved to lose his pound of flesh for enabling him.