Why Jo Swinson is umpopular

It’s because she’s Scottish.

As a general rule, English voters are heartily sick of Scots wanting to govern us. Viz Gordie.

Especially as she would not even be an MP if the nasty nats got their way.

She is uppity and entitled.  A couple of weeks ago she stood up and told people she was going to win the election and become Prime Minister.  Cue much laughter and piss-taking.

She struggles during interviews and waves her arms around excessively, which massively detracts from the (sometimes good) points she is trying to make.

Her dress sense is often strange and doesn't suit her body shape or say potential international leader.  She could do with seeing an image consultant, or getting a new one.

Based on the 'Peter Principle' her limit was probably head of the parent-teacher committee.





East Dunbartonshire innit.

Agreed on her dress sense, she looks like she’s one of those weird women interviewed by the Daily Mail who are forced to wear bizarre primary coloured frocks.

As for her hands, she’s either Peter Snow on steroids or doing a bit of sign languaging.

Bojo gets away with it because he has spent his entire career trading on being a bit of a dishevelled lad. Steptoe isn't going to be PM and his image is probably one of the reasons why.

There is a brilliant video of Swinson on LBC.  She is doing a phone-in and, being on the radio, clearly forgets they are filming it.  Her facial expressions are priceless - she is entirely dismissive of callers who ring in to challenger her and sits there rolling her eyes and shaking her head.


Frankie Boyle's take:

"Jo Swinson has grown on me, and seems to exist as a satisfying, subtle and damning satire of humanity. Swinson’s election started out relatively positively, possibly because people hadn’t heard her speak yet. It quickly became clear that she had the gravitas of a re-education camp supply teacher, and was launching a kind of charm retreat that seemed to involve loans for renting flats and permanent austerity. Some might see misogyny in this reaction to her, but I’m fairly sure I just hate her for being from Milngavie."