Weird diets that aren't a waste of time

I am dubes about diets, I think mostly they are about lending a false sense of agency to people re their mortality.

But having been made to feel bad by Instagram I am now wondering if I should try one of them. Maybe something with annoying rules on carbs.

Have you ever tried a diet that was weird and worked? Not really about weight loss, more youthful glow etc.

Check out Dr Michael Moseley's stuff. He does the diets himself and looks at the science behind them. Ultimately, if you want to lose weight, you should be in a calorie deficit. If you want to build muscle, you need to look at your macros (carbs, fats, protein) and the proportions you are consuming versus how much resistance training you are doing. You shouldn't cut out a food group as you need all of them. Maybe some less than others, but still...

I think diets are all about creating calorie deficiency and which randomly annoying rules you choose to follow to achieve that are pretty irrelevant - most nutritional science at any given time gets debunked a few years later as far as I can see and was good is bad and what was bad is good

Think the fastest way to a youthful glow is being happy to just enjoy a bit of all the things you like in moderation.  I've been monitoring my diet and adjusting it to try and make it better and it hasn't made any radical difference and it's getting out and being more active that's having an obvious effect.