Quite literally retiring to Spain

Not waving your cock to attract attention. Actually doing it. Me: yes. Quite fancy Girona a.i.g.

Good luck. It’s going to be a desert by 2040. 

“The projected increases in both the intensity and persistence of aridity conditions in southern and central Iberia will strengthen the exposure and vulnerability of this region to climate change, with a real risk of multi-level desertification. Therefore, a thorough review of the adaptation potential of the different strategies and options is of the utmost relevance, as water supply not only for human consumption, energy, or industry, but also for agriculture, can be a limiting factor, with likely severe and irreversible socio-economic and environmental implications.”https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/15/2035

Bilbao won't be a desert any time soon


Went there for a festival in July once 

"It'll never rain it's Spain !" my friend said. Laughed at me for packing a rain mac after researching the climate on Wikipedia.

Day 2, torrential bucket loads and from talking to people in the town June had been a washout 

I walked past a blavk cab the other day with the tag line "Dreaming of Asturias" on it.

The picture, sadly, was of a beautiful beach and not, as I expected, the giant bald dome of a crazily gurning rof legend