I love podcasts

It's like having wry friends floating around in your ears the whole time

Not the true crime ones, though, those are weird

agreed, there is a happy medium

the most bantah intense football one, Football Ramble, is my least favourite. Been on the skids for years tho as its founders have moved on.

Any recommendations? I love podcasts. Perfect background while walking the dogs. 

General interest / storytelling: Revisionist History (Malcolm Gladwell), Sideways (Mathew Syed)  and Cautionary Tales (Tim Harford)

Movies: The Rewatchables

Rugby: The Good, The Bad and The Rugby

History: The Rest is History

US Politics: Pod Save America

Conversation / interview: The Joe Rogan Experience

The Global Story with Katya Adler. The Beeb at its best. Nobody needs the utter self serving donkey cock of the media jocks Campbell and Stewart, to say nothing of Globalists Maitlis and Sopel. You’ve paid your licence fee, now get your VFM.

Order the Disorder, proper liberal reporting. See also the doughty Arthur Snell’s Behind The Lines.

Shortly to bin off The Two Matts; I like centrists patting each other on the back as much as the next liberal but the scouse accent ffs, leave the city, bin the chips.

The Rest of History is great.

We Have Ways of Making You Talk can be good albeit massively eclectic

I still haven’t listened to the Rory Stewart / Alastair Campbell one - supposed to be great - not sure how much time I want to spend listening to contemporary politics stuff tho 

The Cycling Podcast

I need to find a good cricket one

The good the bad podcast has Hask in it I think. He such an insufferable aunt I can't listen. Try the BBC version, it's so much better or flats and shanks.

I really like the dream kitchen one with ed gamble and James acaster

The most popular ones do well for a reason so The rest is... set are good, as is Empire. Cautionary Tales is brilliant.

Others I like: 

Backlisted, for book geeks

Decoder with Nilay Patel, covers big tech trends

You should have been there, travel chat -more rucksack than resort.

Undr the Cosh, if you like football chat to be northern, rough around the edges, and lower leagues- so just me then. 

Song Exploder 

More or Less, quite a few of the R4 or World Service ones are excellent really.

I’m not sure the most popular podcasts are that for a reason tbh. Most of the BBC ones are shite for instance.

Empire looks good and is from the Goalhanger stable, which also includes the outstanding Football Cliches

Briefing Room looks potentially good on a selective basis.

There’s a pod called Elements which covers one chemical element per episode. Takes a biographical approach, looks at their uses and contribution to society. That’s good.

I listen to three Everton podcasts. I genuinely think it's having a negative impact on my mental health. 

Apart from that:

60 Songs that Explain the 90s - Rob Harvilla's love letters to 90s music is wonderful and his voice is radio perfect. 

Hit Parade - history of pop-music phenomenons (topics like 'instrumental hits', 'bands whose second albums sold more but were worse than their debut' etc.)

The Offensive - Comedy series about a fictional Kent Premier League football club called Ashwood United with Thick of It Style humour. 


Backlisted has had some weaker episodes lately, but I re listen to the older ones occasionally and they're still great.

How to fail like all of the interview ones depends on the guest, try Sheila Hancock, Geena Davis or Clemency Burton Hill. She often has guests on to talk fertility, and bluntly, I find that very dull. 

Cosh - northerner's not a birthright, surely you have to practice or you're just someone who was once northern. The ref episodes are good, and anyone with Cloughie stories. The adverts are awful.

How to fail like all of the interview ones depends on the guest, try Sheila Hancock, Geena Davis or Clemency Burton Hill. She often has guests on to talk fertility, and bluntly, I find that very dull. 

Thanks. Looking at the back catalogue and taking personal interest into account, I'll try Bernie Sanders or Dan Carter first

I fooking love TRIH.  Only complaint is that they are too slow on releases now I have listened to all the back cat.


I also like to listen to the History Hit: Ancients.  But mainly the stuff about ancient hominids and cave art.

Dan Snow's stuff on the main History Hit is very poor compared to TRIH imo.

The Panpsycast guys are quite good once you get past the fact they’re also annoying. Philosophy Bites is very good if brief, Melvyn’s In Our Time philosophy eps are generally good. 

I would have corfe as well, so cool high up on the hill.  

Also portchester vos of the setting.

And bodiam, because it looks just like a castle should look, even if it is t a proper one

I also love a bit of Knowledge Fight, a podcast about Alex Jones, particularly the ones concerning his getting sued into the next millenium over the last year or so.

Lovecraft Investigations on BBC is excellent. Fictional takeoff set in modern times of an investigative podcast looking into HP Lovecraft inspired mysteries - someone here recommended it to me and I got addicted (also the Aldrich Kemp podcast series by the same writer - Julian Simpson)

TRIP, TRIH and Cautionary tales, obviously.

Unobscured for deep, deep dives into the nastiest bits of history.

British Scandal with Alice Levine and Matt Forde.

Richard Herring’s RHLSTP and Adam Buxton. 

I have enjoyed listening to Alistair Campbell on Young again and Jamie Doran on Desert Island Discs and BBC sounds. Both very likeable and Doran has great sense of humour. They are both my wry friends. 

The Rest is Entertainment (I LOVE this one) 

Adam Buxton (I even bought a mug!) 

BBC History Extra

Not Just the Tudors

Gone Medieval

A Short History Of…

Danny Wallace’s Important Broadcast

You’re Dead To Me

Sentimental Garbage

The Kitchen Cabinet

And I’ve just this past week discovered Where Are You Going, which is short, sweet, fascinating and just lovely. 

The Patch 

Boring Talks 


are my favourites. 

The Elland episode of The Patch is probably the most wonderful thing I’ve ever listened to on radio 4.