After Brexit I want

A thread for your wishlist

1. A queue in hotels and airports and train stations for British passport holders only. To the left with your confusing German problems and questions about bidets!

1. Constitutional reform

1.1 more devolution (England in particular)

1.2. more referendums

2. tax reform

2.1 tax devolved (maybe VAT and tarrffs can stay with westminster

2.2 national insurance combined with PIT/phased out

2.3 land value tax (set by devolved govs)

3. digital transformation of government services

4. benefits reform, actual reform, not pissing about with trying to short change people

5. relaxation of border controls

6. reduction in military spending

7. health insurance to be phased in

not much for christmas is it? 

Reform of personal and corporation taxation and income to acknowledge that the model of individuals selling hours to survive is not sustainable where technology sells hours for less.