Allen & Overy may only just be gearing up for the election of its new managing and senior partner, but RollOnFriday can exclusively reveal that it's a two horse race for each post: Wim Dejonghe and Boyan Wells for managing partner, and David Morley and Richard Cranfield for senior partner. What's more, RollOnFriday can also reveal that the winners will be Wim Dejonghe and David Morley*.

Insiders have said that Morley, the current managing partner, is a shoe-in for senior partner. There's less separating Wells and Dejonghe: both have stellar reputations and are popular internally. But insiders say that the firm is keen to be seen as an international (rather than just City) business, and this should be enough to tip it for Dejonghe who currently heads the firm's Belgium offices.

        Morely                             Chuckle Brother

A spokesman for the firm wouldn't confirm the runners and would only comment that "elections for Allen & Overy's Senior Partner and Managing Partner are taking place in February and the results will be announced publicly at the end of the month". Yeah, yeah, whatever. It'll be Morley and Dejonghe. You read it here first.

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