Squire Sanders Hammonds, the firm previously known as just Hammonds, has been awarded just two stars out of five following a Food Standards Agency inspection of its Manchester cafeteria. RollOnFriday health and safety analysts have confirmed that means that improvement is required (click here for further details, health and safety fans).

SSH shares this dubious honour with a number of Manchester eateries, although staff will no doubt be pleased to hear that their canteen is more hygienic than the Al Shifa Kebab House or the Yang Sing Restaurant both of which scored no stars. Close Manchester neighbour Granada Studios meanwhile scored five out of five, so at least the cast of Coronation Street won't be getting botulism from their Lancashire hotpots.

    Lunchtime at Squire Sanders Manchester (artist's impression)

A spokeswoman for SSH told RollOnFriday that "the Food Standards Agency’s food hygiene rating covers several factors and is not a guide to food quality. In its rating of the firm’s Manchester office there were no issues relating to food quality...Any issues that were raised have either been dealt with already or are underway". Still, probably best to stay clear of the sushi for the time being.

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