Four lawyers buddying up in an enclosed space. A recipe for disaster?

No. It turns out that they can play nicely together. The bosses at SNR Denton - the firm which may or may not be voted into existence tomorrow - seem to be getting along just fine. Perhaps a little too well.

A video of them getting on has been released at

And it's exceptional stuff (in the sense of being bad). Four suits face each other down in awkwardly close proximity, huddled incongruously around two footstools. And then drone on and on about clients and value adding and global reach and seamless service. Shared valuezzz, talent, reach, low hanging fruit, tortuous jigsaw metaphors - as written by the finest minds in legal PR.

Howard Morris in particular looks uncomfortable with the management crapspeak. He's got a particular kind of dead-eyed mock enthusiasm which makes The Source worry about his future happiness.

Howard Morris wants the talking to stop

But then things take a turn.

SNR Denton will "stand out". Will it really? Why, pray tell? "Because of the way we treat each other", says Elliot Portnoy, licking his lips with an anticipation bordering on the sexual. Cue slightly embarrassing flirting; it's like the hurried breakfast the morning after the night before. "Our partners are going to love it", adds Martin Kitchen, spraying his pheremones around the already musk-heavy room like a randy civet. "They'll like the way it can satisfy their sense of unfulfilled ambition". Gosh Martin, I feel grubby now. Down boy.