There's a long history of lawyers throwing in the corporate towel for a life more interesting - whether writing novels, designing ergonomic potties or cleaning ovens. Anything to get out of a career spent shuffling through documents in windowless data rooms.

Former Slaughters' lawyer Karen Archer is the latest to add her name to this growing band of entrepreneurial ex-lawyers with her effort, Wolf Run (

Those who expect this to involve Kevin Costner, a horse and the western frontier might be a bit disappointed. But only a bit. Wolf stands for "woods, obstacles, lakes and fields" and involves a 10k off-road run in Warwickshire. In a nutshell it seems to involve fit types running through a lot of mud and getting pretty soggy.

But if running and the great outdoors are your things - it's likely to be right up your woodland path. Plus you can take part for charity. So why not get involved, test your stamina and get your trainers wet.