Whilst apparently living through a clash of cultures (that’s the 2011 B-Boy Hip Hop Breakin’ Convention held at Sadlers Wells), we wandered into a delightful restaurant for a mid-poppin’ and lockin’ chow session. This was a surprise on numerous levels – not least because the Medcalf crew (yeah that’s right ‘crew’) were welcoming despite our appearance in vividly coloured hoodies, low-slung jeans, ‘phat’ trainers and flat-peaked baseball caps (depicting the emblem for the NY Yankees – not that any of us had ever been to New York or seen these ‘Yankees’ play their game of Base-Ball). The caps themselves still had the stickers/price labels attached notwithstanding the fact that we had bought the cap several years ago – but then again, that’s how we roll playa!

(Microsoft) Word.

Anyway - we strutted into Medcalf, complete with swagger and gangsta limp, to be greeted warmly and welcomed to a rustic-looking table that was quite at odds with our home-boy threads. We meant to dress as a Crip but instead ended up a Blood. We always get that confused. Actually, bloods would be right at home here seeing as it's the site of a 1912 butchers - the inspiration behind the current restaurant/bar which serves up a daily menu utilising seasonal and organic British ingredients combined in Modern British recipes. The Union Jack would, no doubt, fly proudly here. Btw - it's Union Jack, not Union Flag.

Sat in the light and airy surroundings, we accosted the nearest shorty and gave her our order - we started with a pint of prawns with a dill mayonnaise that makes us quiver each time we think of it (but you know - in a gangsta way). After that we hit a Bavette Steak for a filling main course. Believe us - the food here isn't cheap but it's still great value. It makes you proud to be British - gangsta swagger and all.

Best of all, whilst we could sit for a relaxed meal, we were served quick enough to make it back for the second half of the convention - just in time to see a 90 minute Human Robot extravaganza. That, dear friends, is what the kids call Church. It's phat.

Medcalf - go visit it and rejoice in one of the best British restaurants in London.
