So, it's taken a year to get sorted. Frustrations, dead ends, blind alleys, countless NDA`s and then hey presto! we got it. To offer corporate clients of accredited practices the ability to spread their Fee Notes over either 6 or 12 months meant we had to be "hands on" with the money and we now control it.

so, we pay out within 48 hours of receiving paperwork and we have pretty slick systems of credit management to keep everything tight once on board.

My questions are:

Am I too ambitious to hope that a figure equivalent to 10% of the practice fee income will be drawn down through our Fee Finance Plan?

Will this cause the demise of the 30 day + aged debtor list for corporate clients

Is this the best way to ensure that the practice monies are accelerated in?

Is there an issue where "the client pays"? i.e interest bearing loans?