Shout out to top firm Witte, Weller & Partner, patent attorneys operating out of three offices in Germany. Not for WWP boring static pictures of lawyers gurning at an iPad 2 or laughing at Chitty on Contract (Pannone, take note here). The firm's gone for something far more creepy - just take a look at the montage of partners.

And then keep watching. Until you scream. Correspondents have likened the effect to the newspaper in the Harry Potter books. That makes it sound nice. I'm not so sure.

If you're feeling extra bold, take a peek at the firm's selection of delightful Christmas cards. There's all sorts of things. Some are pretty sensible - like a teapot with two spouts. A legal textbook inside which is hidden a hip flask. Spectacles for chickens.

And some are rather more esoteric. Who - one wonders - would invent something which appears to stick a cow's tail up its own bum. Very festive.

They're all excellent, so review the full set - improvements on trousers, neck extenders and all - here.