BPP ("Europe's leading provider of professional education") has once again failed to deliver results.

The Source has learn that the institution has continued its impressive run of pathetic incompetence by buggering up the sending of results to BVC candidates. Who, one should remember, have each paid £15,000 for the year.

In the first term of the academic year 2009-10, BPP released module marks in a single document, made anonymous through the use of candidate number. Students could download the document, cross-refer against their number, and see how they'd got on. Simple.

But that wasn't easy enough for BPP, who followed up by posting a document on the school's intranet which showed names against candidate numbers. Defeating the entire purpose and destroying any chance of this simple method of dissemination working.

A new method was needed. BPP decided to send each candidate an individual email with their results. Students tell us that these emails, rather like the course manuals, were riddled with errors. Another simple system bit the dust.

And so - bring on the dry ice and sparkling wine - a new flashy 'student portal' has been introduced. Athena. That's the Greek goddess of wisdom. Cue bitterly ironic laughter.

  Staff at BPP wind up the computers for one final effort

The system's first test came around. Results were expected at noon. Then put back to 4pm. Then the website crashed.

At 6.30 pm, BPP started emailing students individually.

Given that these results will impact on summer plans and, more importantly, pupillage interviews, students are not happy. Morale was described by one source as "even lower than its usual rock bottom".

A spokeswoman from BPP noted that the problems were entirely down to an external server supplier, who had apologised and addressed the issue.



Anonymous 04 June 10 12:19

Its funny, someone who writes articles clearly doesn't know what their talking about