🚨🚨Truss 45p U-turn! 🚨🚨


If society can’t handle a measely 5% tax cut we can say goodbye to the UK ever being a high growth/low tax economy. It will never happen. The Singapore-on-Thames dream is over. 

We’ll now just be Berlin-on-Thames, with just as high taxes but without good quality healthcare, education, and all the other social security goodies that (should) come with them.

BarryZuckercorn03 Oct 22 14:14

If society can’t handle a measely 5% tax cut we can say goodbye to the UK ever being a high growth/low tax economy. It will never happen. The Singapore-on-Thames dream is over. 




No one apart from Truss, Kwarteng and similar financial services adjacent loons wanted Singapore on Thames. The "unchaining of Britannia"  via the Brexit vote was delivered by an alliance of the "take back control" brigade (who felt, and rightly or wrongly, that the country should be in charge of its own destiny) and those nostalgic for a golden era when the country was supposedly better (mainly because there were fewer immigrants, but also because the current job market is a lot more insecure and less rooted in community than it was in the past). Wealth inequality has an awful lot to do with it as it made the argument that we were economically better off being in the EU far less convincing for a lot of people esp outside SE England. The idea that the solution to the profound structural issues in our economy was to destroy workers' rights, deregulate and reduce taxes was and is a total fantasy. We should have stayed in the EU or at least Single Market, gone full throttle for green energy transformation and adopted a more redistributive tax system. I hope when Labour come to power we will move rapidly in the direction of all of these. With any luck this u-turn means the countdown to a Labour government has accelerated. The Tories need at least a decade in the wilderness to recognise the magnitude of their failure over the past 12 years.

The whole "Singapore on Thames" thing was always nonsense. The population of Singapore is 5.5m or 4m if expats are excluded. Singapore is a city state with virtually no natural resources. There is very little commonality between Singapore and the UK.

Singapore is also quite socialistic in many ways (unsurprising as the ruling party for decades was originally a leftist party), including the state (not private developers) building the very large majority of the housing and selling it on 99 year leases. I don't see the crazies advocating that approach to housing in the UK (although it would likely work better than the current one).

Liz Truss' approval rating as PM is now lower than Boris Johnson's lowest ever approval rating (-31%).

Liz Truss Approval Rating (2 October):

Disapprove: 51% (+9)

Approve: 18% (-10)

Net: -33% (-19)
