Marvel v DC

Inspired by the derailment of the environment thread....

Which is your favourite character from either? 

Which is your overall favourite brand?

Me: John Constantine and DC.  But there are DC characters I hate, so it’s quite close.


Wolverine is annoying. He basically just monopolised the x men films and they all became about him.

Although having recently watched the dross that is dark phoenix maybe that is not a bad thing.

I was never into comics. But I will note that I think DC created the two or three most iconic superheros, so Marvel have done well to somewhat eclipse them in the movie world. 

wolverine in the comics though is a lot different to the fillums, he's a little stocky smelly guy

Marvel for, they're more fun (films anyway, comics are hit and miss) Captain Marvel my fave

DC maybe have better girl costumes from a "phwoar" factor but Snyder really rammed them into the dirt trying to be chris nolan

So much in DC which kinda moves away from traditional superhero wearing his underpants on the outside tho.  I mean swamp thing, the sandman, thinking man’s comic books IMO.

Are you watching Watchmen Teclis? What do you think? I think it’s doing a bloody good job of being entertaining and also completely confusing (in roughly equal measures). 

I so should have re-watched the Watchman film / re-read the comic.

It is coming back to me though and I'm definitely enjoying it more the more I remember of the source.

comicbookkgirl19 does a great series breaking down the watchmen comics and I think also does a greater creator episode on alan moore (who's a bit of a self important dick imho but then artists eh)

Vertigo from DC are definitely the thinking man's comics. They're quite fun as well.

For me Preacher is the standout. I should read them again. The series they started making of that didn't really do it for me as it felt a bit too serious. The comic was really cool.

I may actually read Lucifer as I never actually got around to that...