
What is on the menu du jour?


  • stilton
  • artichoke hearts
  • melba toasts

(396 cals; 16g  protein)

the word "Luncheon" was invented because the upper classes thought lunch sounded too common.  That's a fun fact I learned recently.

Ofc, there's no way the upper classes would want to be considered as part of the Brady Buncheon.

Carrot, apple and almond salad, lime juice and olive oil dressing


brown bread


a banana

bit of peanut butter

V healthy because fettucini alfredo  and red wine are predicted for tea. 

JC, I just did the same google search and found that Luncheon is a derivative of the Northern "Lunch" 

When speaking of etymology, my favourite is "smashing" to describe something as good.  It comes from Irish people in London speaking Irish and being misheard.  What they were saying was "is maith e sin" which literally translates to "that is good" and when said quickly sounds like smashing.

I was doing so well with my left over veggie home made curry with added spinach and a hard boiled egg until Mr M came back from Gails with a giant choc chip cookie for me 🙄