Give them mooncups...

...says my wife. Far cheaper, safer and better for the environment.

What Hools said. 

And you can fook off with the “if they are paying for it” auntery too. Until you have had a period and tried using all the products available your opinion is worth less than nothing. The fact that you are parroting something your wife said doesn’t validate your opinion.

I didn't express an opinion though. My wife did and she's had loads of bloody periods.

I just relayed what she has been suggesting for a long time, which is a more environmentally friendly and economical way of dealing with period poverty. Accepting of course, that not everyone will like using one.

She has only had her own periods though, Warlord. She hasn't had anyone else's.

Amazingly, the experience is not the same for all women. Or even for the same woman, depending on her age, health conditions and use of contraception.

And even then men can't claim to know a lot because of the hugely disproportionate amount of study that has gone into men's health vs women's health issues. Prime example is the lack of research into endometriosis.



Prime example is the lack of research into endometriosis.

Far more important to focus on developing viagra. The inability to sustain an erection is clearly more of a serious health issue than chronic pain.

Oh and don't even get me started on the fact that the male contraceptive pill was abandoned during early trials due to "side effects". God forbid that men should suffer any discomfort in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

If birds think they is entitled to comment on the testiclear issues involved wiv wot they offensively call "manspreading" then we is entitled to air our views on them being on the blob. AND if they think they can take our hard earned dosh to resolve their PERSONAL hygeine problems we is similarly entitled to an adequacy of explanation as to why and opportunity to consent to such use of our labour and the dosh generated thereby govnor.

The inadvertently funny thing about "Gary gammon" is that it's clearly intended to be a BREXIT style parody of what men think, when it clearly is what the writer actually thinks 

being an arsehole "ironically" isn't comedy dude 

Wot Gary said.

And if women were any good at science they could invent their own viagra if they want it so badly. Anyway we've already covered that Viagra is for women's pleasure. 

Women too busy mooning over unsuitable boys to invent lady viagra tho. 

One find's G Gammon's attempts at humour, which it isn't, more like juvenile tomfoolery. Indeed, trying to speak like a working class person is as ludicrous as a probationary police officer trying to use criminal slang when interviewing suspects.

BTW, as I've already said. my fellow males should stop mansplaining; sanitary products should be free to women and girls who are faced with hardship and have stark choices between heating and eating and who also may be victims of the harsh eugenics of the DWP.