Gay Conversion Therapy

I understand these treatments are expanding rapidly in the US, involving electric shock treatment, aversion therapy etc

Are their any sanatoria in the UK providing this service? 

And more to the point, do they work?

Was thinking of you, Sergio 

Was wondering about obtaining crowd funding for a sanitorium in say Brunei or Iran, where gays facing being tossed off tall buildings or stoning could obtain a ' conversion certificate ' which might stay the hand of religious police 

But it would obviously have to be first shown that the treatment works 

Definitely a business opportunity here

Doesn't really need clinical trials 

Charge the punter $20,000 for the certificate  and give the local police chief a 50% backhander 

If the treatment doesn't work ,charge him $30,000 for an 'advanced ' certificate with 75% for the police chief and so on


Mate I admire the sentiment I really do. Nothing gets me mad like seeing poofs about the place. But just think about this for a minute. What if the gays find out how it works? If you can do it one way you can do it the other.  Do you think they will just all mince about waiting to be converted Into normal decent people? No mate. That's not how they think. They'll start hiding in darkened alleyways and public toilets, mugging people and converting them into gayness. You depoof one of them. They poofitise two of us. No one will be safe. The whole country would go gay in a year. It's too dangerous mate. Just think if it fell into the wrong hands.

Well... this is depressing...

Bigotry and hatred poorly disguised as humour.

How old will you have to be Bernstein to realise that the human race is more defined by its similarities than its differences?

My strong recommendation is... get off the internet.  I don't mean that flippantly, I mean it seriously.  The internet purports to give access to unlimited opinions, but in reality the targeted nature of it means you have access to those with the same interests and views.  That means you have confirmation, even if you views are absurd, perverse or damaging.

Get off the internet, make the effort to meet people outside your confirmatory group.  Engage with a real and wider audience.