Jamal Khashoggi
Anonymous (not verified) 11 Oct 18 20:47
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For me this is no different to the Skripals and sanctions must be imposed as a matter of the utmost urgency.

Seems even more horrific than the Skripals - the brutality and blatant nature of it. 


They literally made an excuse to get him to come to the consulate, killed him, chopped him into pieces and carried him out in garbage bags and put his remains on a plane back to Saudi. 

Apparently they brought the bone saw with them rather than sourcing it locally.  I assume it was a Gucci jewel encrusted gold bone saw that is only available to exclusive customers.

So Turkish “spies” apparently have audio and video that proves he was chopped up.

BBC seem to agree. 

Why bring such negative attention after MBS’s charm offensive? 

So did the Maltese when they bumped off Daphne Caruana Galuzia earlier this year.

It's been going on since the Press was invented.

Are you seriously suggesting the Saudi government only did this "because Trump"?

He recorded it all on his iWatch and sent it to his cloud account apparently.

How likely is that? Wouldn’t the embassy or whatever as a matter of cours have systems in place to stop unauthorised outgoing signals?

NYTimes has broken a story with pictures showing the hit squad was comprised largely of men from the Crown Prince’s immediate entourage and bodyguards etc (there are pictures of some of the key suspects travelling with the Crown Prince among other things)


Going to be difficult to claim it was rogue agents who did the hit..

I do find the world's leaders to be very confused these days about how to react to what.


I mean, here we are all gnashing our teeth about a man who the Saudi's appear to have killed on Turkish soil but Erdogan's Turkey is a country with an appalling civil rights record, whose administration has largely abandoned the rule of law resulting in scores of people in public service roles jailed, tortured or "disappeared". And at the same time China has placed in custody the head of Interpol, who has been "stood down" from that role after 10 days of invisibility in the hands of the Chinese secret police.


I don't defend the Saudis on this but I do ask for consistent application of liberal principles.  You cannot choose where to apply civil rights and where to turn a blind eye.  

Yes and also the incredibly blatant and ham fisted Bond villain nature of this is really in your face and difficult to ignore. 


They are trying to claim it was rogue agents but it is difficult to square that with multiple pictures of the suspects standing at the Crown Prince’s side on state visits as late as summer 2018 and being part of his personal security detail. 


I believe the next excuse they are going to try is that they ordered a kidnapping and not a murder but it is hard to square that with the fact that the team flying to Turkey included a very senior doctor employed by the Saudi government who is a published expert on forensics and autopsies plus the fact they carried that bone saw with them..


Its not just the targeted killing - the USA sends in drones to kill individuals it doesn’t like all the time including its own citizens. Israel does its share of assassinations of Arabs in middle eastern cities. It’s just the comically evil brutality and ham handed ness of it. 

I agree about the sheer incompetence.

’He left the consulate alive’

’Alright, show us the film of him leaving from one of the many cameras covering the exit’

’Erm, erm’ *looks at feet* ‘the cat ate it’