
Is almost exactly how I picture Mutters in real life

On a related note, wood Gloria del Pierro

Heheh you TOTAL fooker.

i don’t look like that this is about how you see things and I cannot influence that. 


He is thin and whingeing with art teacher hair. He is older than me. I am in the solid overnourished male lawyer form. I have grey hair but not like his.  

Given how many times in a decade I have raged about my hatred of Peston (who even turned up on my holiday in Greece in May ffs) all I can do is say well remembered and touché, mon brave. 

In an important update, having heard Gloria speak some words, I wood not.

Heh re Peston, I'd actually forgotten about the greek holiday threads. It's more the sort of nervous energy he (Peston) displays which had me in mind of you Mutters.

I did do a thread once on what you think other posters look like based only on their postings but it got really outy as everyone just started posting celebrity lookalikes of people they had met in real life.

I recall actually live Roffing from the bar in May as he was sitting with max visibility and speaking too loudly to be by mistake into a phone to editor about Brexit issues.  Absolutely everyone in the place was huffing and throat clearing. Then his kids spilled a drink on the lunch table. Kids do this every meal for about a decade.  He absolutely exploded at them with swearing and shouty curses.  The f is wrong with that guy was the consensus.  Energy, or just a stressball? I think latter which can be confused for energy.

Also a heh @ Mutters ringing up his secretary to dictate a post on ROF about Brexit whilst his kids misbehaved



I don't follow, sorry. I'm a bit tired but this doesn;t make any sense.


I was in a bar.  Peston was in a bar with small children. He has a new partner after the death of his wife. They were having lunch. He was texting and phoning and Mrs was managing lunch and small children. Then crash splat and he bellows at everyone. The bar turns round to behold the scene.

I roffed it.