RollOnFriday has uncovered more fibbing by disgraced former Ince & Co partner Andrew Iyer, who was jailed for stealing client money last month.

During the trial we reported, slack-mouthed, on the revelation that Iyer lied about helping cancer patients in an effort to get an OBE. As part of the gong scam Iyer invented a fake cancer specialist called 'Elizabeth Herring'. Herring then sent letters to the Cabinet Office claiming that Iyer had raised £1.8 million for Cancer Research (he had not). Now we've discovered that someone called Elizabeth Herring is also a fan of Iyer's 2007 novel, The Betrayed. From the book's Amazon page:

Iyer in kitten heels Herring is not the only reader who was left spinning. John Furst ("a great read"), Roger Lewis ("intoxicating"), Helen Blackburn ("I was hooked from start to finish") and Edward Thornhill all gave The Betrayed five stars. Thornhill was particularly delighted with his purchase:

Not that watertight, Edward. Coincidentally all but Thornhill reviewed the book within hours of one another, on the 24th and 25th September. Which is impressive, because according to Amazon's listing, The Betrayed wasn't published until 26 September.

Iyer even scored a rave review from acclaimed novelist Robert Harris, who was moved to write his one and only Amazon notice:

Although the image of Harris diligently typing "Robert Harris, Book Reviewer - The Guardian" is delightful, it seems more likely that he and everyone else wetting their pants over Iyer's book are in fact Iyer. Better to trust AmberIly, who gave it 2/5 and wrote that Iyer has been jailed for fraud. That probably isn't him.

If you do want to pick up a copy, you can get it used for the bargain price of 0.01p (plus p&p). And signed by the author in four years seven months.


Anonymous 19 March 13 20:37

Did Iyer actually write his novels, or was it a work of fiction that Enid Blyton would have been proud of?