At what point would you stop supporting social distancing measures?


March 2021?

March 2025?

Ducks it is endemic

It is never going away it is here for the rest of our lives

I fear people don't appreciate that and are compounding the bad outcomes by supporting worse things


If restrictive measures of the jobs seen in Italy/Spain/US are brought it, it will actually kill people. In this country they'll probably kill more people than the virus. 

linda, not to mention the early deaths generally from future under investment in healthcare arising from the general economic damage.

But fvck that - we have newspaper headlines and daily briefings for Covid.  Won't somebody think of the poor children still at school (literally zero deaths of anyone under 30 in Italy).

FFS there was one head teacher calling for all the GCSE and A Level pupils to repeat a year - had they applied their brains for a moment to how their school would cope with twice as many children doing GCSEs and A Levels next year?

Well I’m now Roffing from the eye hospital in respect of a prearranged appointment. Normally it is heaving .there are 20 people here, one civilian wearing a mask and and one patient. Doesn’t appear to be anymore precautionary measure than usual.

that aside let’s hope the eye surgeon doesn’t carry out any impromptu eye surgery like the first time I was here back in November ‘

I wonder at what point people will start to say: “wouldn’t it have been cheaper to have done proper containment and shut the borders to China back in January?”

You could have kept most trade flowing but stopping people travelling could have kept it in China and saved a huuuuuge amount of the costs we are now going to see.

Anyway, seeing as how the ‘stay calm at all costs’ appeasers fooked that up, we are now sadly in a position where we probably will soon need to let it run its course to save what we can of the economy.

I would still take the opportunity to suppress it hard whilst we can. Bit more time to understand it. Try to make sure that the first wave at least is controlled as best as possible.  But I agree after a few months, assuming its not totally apocalyptic elsewhere, we will need to ease off.

The policy outcomes at the end of this will probably make Labours manifesto look tame. Get this - Mitt Romney has just proposed Temporary UBI of $1000 a month for every adult American. And we havent even started yet.

"I would still take the opportunity to suppress it hard whilst we can. Bit more time to understand it. Try to make sure that the first wave at least is controlled as best as possible.  But I agree after a few months, assuming its not totally apocalyptic elsewhere, we will need to ease off.

That is broadly the planned policy for the UK. They expect some measures to go on for 6-12 months. We already know the "cocooning" of over 70s during the peak will last for 4 months. 


Im being a bit dramatic again - to be clear - my suspicion is that when we do ease off the measures we will have another tricky peak, but that we will have developed enough new safety customs as to slow the spread anyway and we will better understand how we can put the control rods back in, so to speak, when another epidemic or localised outbreak forms. We will then all get used to it and life will continue more or less as normal, but with maybe a 100k or so fewer (mainly elderly) people, occasional localised inconvenience and an endemic superflu that people will really fear getting a bad dose of. It will probably then gradually wittle away at our demographic and pension problems much more effectively that ordinary flu. 

BTW, I don't disagree that the virus will become almost certainly remain endemic in the global population, but the first pandemic will surely be the most deadly.

There may be subsequent annual waves, but this will likely be mitigated by the nos. in population with some antibodies (duration of immunity currently unknown) and the eventual emergence of a vaccine (likely 12-18 months).

Further, mutations may be less deadly as the virus seeks to promote propagation by tapering off in lethality to its hosts.

Thats true Johnny. My approach would be to surpress early as we are still at a time of limited knowledge and still dont know whether we might be able to contain or just how bad it could get. Evidence from prior epidemics and the Spanish Flu is that communities that reacted early fared better. But tbf if its give or take a week at this stage it may not make that much difference now.

Key decisions - particularly to not shut the borders were made about 6-8 weeks ago whilst Joe Public were telling each other that its just the flu and being fed bullshit stories about megan and harry and bridges in the middle of nowhere.


social distancing now slows spread and gives time to do essential things like increase ICU capacity. it won’t be sustained more than a few weeks. hopefully if we didn’t delay too much people will be moaning that the virus didn’t even kill that many people which is the whole point and goal of the strategy