dominic cummings


just eek

Much rather someone bright like him is there rather than Johnson.

Boris has his train set, now Boris, go play while Mr Cummings actually makes real things happen.

You’re so wrong it almost hurts me physically.

Cummings has not yet done a single thing which I wouldn’t do.  And he wants to lay waste to the civil service, an organisation which has prioritised creating jobs within itself for hundreds of years.

More power to him I say.

The way I see this is that Cummings is basically sacking all the Hanners and replacing them with Capt Swings.

Obviously this would have been better comedically if it had been the OGRs who were being turfed out instead of the Hanners.

Heh @ Klute. Properly shit. Think his uncle owned it. 

He’s really not that bright, Tecco.

He’s just someone who’s managed to find a way to live that allows him to read widely and then shart our his semi-digested reading in impenetrable and poorly structured word salad blogposts.

He is very lucky that the politicians he services (and I don’t think he’s the “bottom” in the relationship) understand scientific and maths topics even less well than he does. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed Mekon is king.

cummings reminds me of swing in terms of single-minded maybe having a point but you still need to chill a bit mateness

obv swing was likeable and presentable tho so the parallels are limited

I emailed him after his recent job ad in the Spectator.  I wasn't looking for a job, but made some comments about his approach.  He replied (seemingly personally).  


The reply was sent in the early hours of the morning.  It was reasonably warm and cogent and itthanked me for engaging.  Didn't expect a reply so pleasantly surprised.

The Civil Service and his reforms will be so tricky to pull off.  There is much that is good about the system and much that is bad.  Staff say that themselves in surveys, etc.  Where I've seen things go wrong is where politicians announce stuff and ask CS's to retrofit the evidence,etc.  And then there's a reshuffle and the focus changes again, etc, so stuff withers on the vine. 

A government with a large majority and 5 years to deliver should rigorously focus on the truly transformational stuff and do it well.  

a new thing that has come in is when a senior person secretly wants a certain outcome then forces the staff to go through a Transformation Programme where they all Discuss What Would Work and then magically after three agonising pointless years the thing the senior person wanted happens


Yeah because when I walked into my office at 7am in London, I wasn’t at surprised to hear groups of the very top and best civil servants speaking in Hindi and Urdu.

Clergs, people show up at the crack of the morning, so they can leave early and generally they are a bit shit.  They sit in their little groups, chat away in their language, and eat their cereal.  

I have literally seen this happen.  I fooking hate the civil service and when I was working with the NAO it gave me huge pleasure to walk into work and print out the letters that made half of them redundant.  aunts.  

This is exactly the sort of cool calm collected thinking we need when undertaking large scale reform

not at all concerning that you endorse Dominic Cummings entirely

Mate I put up with that shit for 18 months before the NAO offered me a role.  Even then I turned it down because I wanted to do six months at Tsol.  But after that, damn right.  Why the hell not?  This wasn’t just my money in tax they were squandering but all of my family and everyone I knew.  It was a horrible waste.

He worked at Klute! fooking hell. That was the first nightclub I ever went to, and I only went once further. I think the first was when I was 16 and the last I was 30. Genuinely, as bad as a nightclub can be without being dangerous. It was like somewhere Brenty and Gareth would take the gang on a night out in The Office.

I had some professional dealings with him pre the current boris set up

found him aggressive and a bit erratic. But gifted at being able to land a message in this post fact world we find ourselves in. 

he looks like a drunk lunatic at a bus stop I cannot understand why people fall for it (and I blame all those idiots in Business who are easily swayed by the deranged beta whom they mistake for an alpha because he's totally unreasonable)


my second trip to Klute was in a durham uni recruitment trip with our mutual former employer. I was in the company of an AP (later partner I think) who attended durham and was therefore reliving his mis spent youth. I believe I recall him taking off his shirt and tying his tie round his head like a bandana, on the dance door. Other members of our touring party found this too much to take. I of course was impressed.

Haha laz 

that sounds like the low level, essentially safe and nerdy, hi jinkery that employees of our former employer are known for 

clergs - I mean he’s definitely got some skillz. He’s just not the world beating genius he thinks he is. The hubris makes for an alarming MO. 

Well it would depend very much on the form of the wood and what you were trying to make from it. Admittedly if a whole IKEA table pack covered in limpets washed up in Coverack, he might be able to on sell it and feast with the 17 year old on the limpets