R4 Today

the BBC today says that the Today programme INCREASED its listeners by about 350,000 in the three months to the end of March, which they have put down to interest in Brexit issues.

fark me. Practically everyone I know has stopped listening to Today because of Brexit. I still wake up to it, I was getting the impression I was the only remaining listener. ( have given up the newspaper though).

I've never met anyone who listens to the Today programme. It sound monumentally dull and WTF wants to listen to that stuff early in the morning?

That said, Brexit has made political life more interesting, so unsurprising the numbers have increased.  

Given that it has an average weekly audience of around 7 million and that they are overwhelmingly middle class I sincerely doubt that dux.

Seriously dude, are you ever right about anything?

‘smart arse’ in this context of course meaning ‘right’.

And I would be genuinely surprised if amongst (say) 10 people with (presumably) a tertiary education there is not at least 1 listener.