Things that can't possibly be worse than they used to be but feel like they are

Drops of rain falling off trees as you walk underneath them in a way that is quite sore on your head.

Never accept cookie requests FFS. You end up dealing with a torrent of ignorant arrogance and casual racism. It's worse than giving risky your email address. I speak from bitter experience. 

I've never had a rain drop make my head sore 

Mainly because I took so many punches and headbutts as a kid my head has little feeling 

Probably why I am great at law 

nonsense davos

i played rugby throughout childhood in2 adulthood

yet my pate is sensitive as fook. low beams? chew the skin on the top of my head. hob hoods? the fookers ralways designed at the exact height 2 take a chunk out of my bald patch if u rn’t concentr7ing when cooking. sunny day? that skin on top gets sizzled without a thick layer of factor 500. 

rain really can hurt. hail is obv the worst, but even rain makes it sore