3 weeks til Beaujolais Nouveau season!

Did u know the French government literally mandates when it kicks off?


There must be a way of getting it before official release. Some Illegal off the books barrel of pre nouveau paid for in cash to a man at a cock fight with a stripey jersey and a beret. 

We used to have a Beaujolais Nouveau party every year at one of my old shops in the canteen.  It is rank.

They used to feature Nouveau, of which you had to drink a glass before consuming anything else; Nouveau from previous years ('Oldveau'), genuinely tasty vintage Beaujolais and loads of cheese from Neal's Yard.

Despite the awful wine it was one of my best memories of work social life at that time!

What is this please?

Clever French wine producers taking the piss by selling otherwise unsellable wine to hipsters and other gullible trendsters for 2 or 3x the asking price by manufacturing temporal exclusivity. 

Ooohhh its only available for a few weeks. 

Yes but it's shit. 

It is Beaujolais from the current years grapes that isn't good enough to go into the vintage cuvees.

A great French marketing scheme - the wine equivalent of Tartiflette for cheese.

Is it a particular type of wine or all wine?


There is genuine Beaujolais Nouveau which is young Beaujolais that is mostly shit. 

There is shit young wine passed off by french scammers as BJ because it all tastes like shit anyway so who cares?

An annual tulip freakout. 

My m7 dave was a banker in the early 00s and BN day was still very much the thing.  

there was a wine bar in a back street in the city where they would all race to drink with the suite of toms the proprietor had invited for the proceedings.

It was originally supposed to be about checking what this year's vintage is going to be like. It was never supposed to be nice in itself.

If you were an experienced frog you could say, this year's BN is like this, so this year's vintage in x years' time will be such and such.

Then they realised they could sell it to the English who had missed the point.

The crus and some of the village level Beaujolais will age quite well but the bog standard AOC wines including BN don't have the structure to age, they are made in a very different manner which makes them easy to drink young but precludes any real ageability.

Got some of this festering in the cellar with BBR, will give it another couple of years before dragging it out
