What do people do in Austria?

Sounds well dull save for the skiing. 

They eat well, they drink very well and they have beautiful museums, cathedrals, landscapes.  All sorts of things to make you forget about their most famous son.

They hump.  A lot.  Get there sun you'd clean up. 

Hyoo attempting to chat up any female that isn't a South Asian domestic worker?  

But don't worry sun, there's a lot of cycling you could do to burn off the frustration 

they have a bad habit of taking their phenomenal cultural heritage of fine music and turning it into mass schmaltzy cake fairy bollox with waltzing twots listening to overdressed half-able musicians in large venues where everyone gets carried away with the atmosphere and drinks luke warm off dry wine

THey also spend a considerable amount of time building soundproof basement dungeons for hiding stolen children.

heh. Cannot believe you decided that I was making a serious point there. But anyway, just to be clear, I was not asked in the OP what do Austrians do that British don't do, was I?  I was asked what they do. 

Thinking up excuses I expect takes a lot of their time

How about that WW2 eh?

Ach, zis vas ze Germans, ya, not us, ve ist der Eastlanders.

But didn't...


Of course, if you want to get a sense of how it feels to live at the end of an epoch expiring in the face of modernity, which is surely a millennial digital native thing of fundamental interest to rof, then you should be studying the end of the Austro-Hungarian empire. K und K, ja?

The opera is fun. I stayed at the Ritz Carlton there once. Loads of food stuff. The big Durer bunny. All the more classical art stuff. The freud stuff. Probably had a beer. Then got the train to Budapest.