Trans school toilets working well

Does the ridiculous 'intellectual' elite in this country have to cravenly adopt every piece of new US insanity?

And as usual, having selfrighteously imposed their fanaticism, they do not spend the money to make the nonsense work properly 

“Girls are being forced to hold themselves until they get home which could damage kidneys. My friend's daughter has been holding herself all day because she’s so embarrassed. It’s not fair on the kids really,” 

The situation is made more difficult by the flawed design of the toilet cubicles, which don’t have floor-to-ceiling walls. This makes peeking quite easy, and indeed, parents say, there have been cases of boys looking over the tops at girls on the toilet

the thing about Russia today is, it does cover true stories that the UK press won't (obv the trick si judiciousness as with any news outlet)

this story is true and imo these teachers all need a swirly

What a disgrace. No doubt some tede will pipe up having noted this is an RT story. Yeah yeah, and maybe the Russians do want to create social division in the UK, but the British Establishment is doing a pretty good job itself.

it truly blows my mind that something as fundamental as privacy for little children (lynchpin of anti-paedophile measures) has been snatched away to pander to the children of psychologically abusive parents

I agree that if you’re below the the age where you could have gender realignment surgery, then your toilet access should be governed but your natural sex, but at the same time i do not think this is the end of britiah civilisation as we know it.

the ripple effects are profound, laz

I won't ever vote for a party that supports measures like this and I know plenty of other who feel the same

in the culture wars this means voting for people you wouldn't otherwise

Oh look as I've said before boys are using the trans agenda to peek at girls.  If I was a teenager again I'd totally declare myself trans and get a transfer to the girls' dormitory before then deciding I was a boy after all.

The only political issue currently determining the way I will vote is brexit, tbh. I will consider other policy questions when brexit is resolved. I don’t agree with male children being allowed to use the girls’ toilets tho. 

it would be great to be able to harness it instead of being a horrified cassandray observer, wouldn't it

I mean I know PR companies pretend to do that but they don't really

I don't know about marriage but once again I really want a cheesetoastie for lunch

I think these toilets ARE unisex and the problem is you can see over them

honestly it is like the design has been created by someone who has never met children

I am not sure floor to ceiling cubicles are very safe for four year olds going to the toilet alone

I tend to think that is the solution - have unisex toilets with totally segregated cubicles and a basin area that is open to passers-by so is less likely to be a threatening space.

Some schools do have this and, at one time, way back at the start of the twentieth century when state education was expanded, all those red brick gabled primary schools did.

But the reason this is not done nowadays is that most modern schools would require expensive renovation and, as Rhamnousia says, government is too cheap to do things properly.

Another thing that would work is for us all to go back to pissing and shitting in the open, like in our cave days; if people were trained to do this from the day they were potty trained then they wouldn’t be self conscious about who sees them on the throne. Bring back outdoor modems forthwith!

There was a trans child on Radio 4 this morning, who actually sounded like he had real psychological issues. I think that the trans label actually covers up other problems.

but the loo situation is terrible.  If they are genuinely trans or just want to show off, let them use the disabled bogs.

" Obviously have decent cubicles to afford privacy"

Have you just arrived off the boat?


RT lifted the story from the Daily Heil. I thought RT more in tune with this site

If you’re old enough to feel like a girl trapped in a boy’s body, you’re also old enough to understand that you do, in fact, have a boy’s body and to have it explained to you that, at least until you’re an adult, your access to some things is going to be determined by that fact.

I’m not belittling the pain that will cause in a small number of cases, but the line has to be drawn somewhere, and wherever it will be drawn it will upset someone. It’s easiest just to draw it on the basis of biological sex at an age when people aren’t able to consent to their biological sex characteristics being realigned.

Bernstein m88 you’ve a hair trigger temper lately. How long is it since you got laid? Presumably T+(time since you last posted) longer than when you last posted.

this is exactly what I mean, jc

not in a gazillion years would I have thought catholic schools were anything less than an abomination

now I am like "well... "

the child this morning, in my opinion, sounded autistic, a bit too precocious but also not quite right and the parent was pandering to it.

this is why we need a full on right wing government to bring back family values.

I do think this exemplifies why humans revert to hard core puritanism every few centuries

we cannot be trusted not to fook freedom right up and then it's "hm, sex offenders in my toilets and hospital wards or being a bit modest and sex offenders being beaten with sticks?"

I don’t think it’s actually a choice between sex offenders in toilets and mediaeval puritanism, but if it absolutely did come to that in a referendum, I’d probably vote for sex offenders in toilets because I assume the toilets I get to use are full of sex offenders anyway.

you should stick that on amazon for pre-order. I’d consider buying it, although I suppose what would really clinch the sale would be knowing that you had in fact succeeded in marrying a russian oligarch

yeah I do actually think, laz, when it comes down to things like girl guides etc there is a bit of an undertone of "oh right and it's ok if the baby eating bishop of bath volunteers in the Cubs but not the Brownies?"

so I can see why males may feel conflicted

overall, though, I don't think humans should be conditioned to ignore their "holy fook what is wrong with this weirdo" survival instinct

I assume they already have crappers for both boys and girls so what is the point of spending any money converting them solely to pander to a bunch of ideologues. Tell them to get fooked. 

This ffs.  Also, "a bunch" being a very small number. 

Most of the furious hounding comes from woke leftie men toastie. They get to look right on and be shitty to women at the same time, it must be amazing for them 

"re co-morbidity, I think it's a cover for autism and a lot of parents would rather a trans child than an autistic one "


It's not a "cover", more a misdiagnosis. Some traits, such as otherness, isolation, are shared. I agree that some parents are adding further confusion to a mind which is already struggling to decipher the world. 

TBF Hoolie, most of the rage on this board on this topic is coming from blokes who like kicking feminists regardless of their own political views.  Bit like those chaps who suddenly care about mistreatment of women when its done by brown-skinned people.

I know Orwell. I'm talking more generally. Twitter for example. Lots of beardy woke men (mostly Canadian) getting all the woke cookies for attacking women. 

I don't mean necessarily a conscious cover, just an opportunity for unscrupulous campaigners to "claim" a trans child as one of them. All that creepy rainbow family stuff. And parents are scared to say "no maybe he's just autistic"

Bit like those chaps who suddenly care about mistreatment of women when its done by brown-skinned people

That's not a thing.

What is very much a thing is so-called feminists turning a blind eye to atrocities committed in certain  "communities".

Of course it's a huge thing, Dux, but given some of your previously professed views I wouldn't expect you to have noticed this.

And WTF are you talking about with second sentence?

And parents are scared to say "no maybe he's just autistic"



From what I've seen of the published stories in this regard, it all seems to be about the into that what you like.


No toastie they think gender identity is innate and the only defining factor as to whether a person is male or female or neither 

it's biological sex they think is a construct / continuum. For example they say incredibly racist things like biological sex is a form of cultural imperialism because native tribes didn't know the difference between men and women before the missionaries turned up 

It's madness and very possibly all a massive troll by Russians Bots, but some people have swallowed it hook line and sinker 


I don't share Clergs' level of antipathy on this - I have been mates with trans people for 30 years and know that not everyone in that community supports the latest round of gender-focused identity politics. 

The thing that incenses me about it all is actually the point that Hoolie made.  Feeling like you've got the wrong tackle is one thing, but suggesting that liking glitter, make-up or heels is inherently female or that having short hair, preferring trousers or liking footy is inherently male is massively sexist and harking back to gender stereotyping of a century ago.

I don't think I ever said I thought trans people were all one? it's modern trans rights activism that is the problem (and quite distinct from the way normal non-dick humans live their lives). If I were trans I would be fooking furious about all of this and how mad and undermining it is.

I tend to think that is the solution - have unisex toilets with totally segregated cubicles and a basin area that is open to passers-by so is less likely to be a threatening space.


Really? I tend to think that the solution is just having boys and girls' toilets and not pandering to a highly questionable lobby. Sky News recently ran an article about "trans" people de-transitioning. Apparently a lot of autistic homosexual females convince themselves that their feelings of alienation and attraction to women are because they are trans, and have hormone therapy and surgery, but it doesn't make them feel better, because they point is that they are just gay and autistic and not trans.

I agree with Orwell. I was a "tom boy" as they called us in those days, climbing trees, loving my pen knife, making bows and arrows but as far as I was concerned then and now that is as much my rights as a little girl to do as a boy.


I read in the 1970s the awful time transgender people had  - I think I read a book by April Ashley but that does not remove the issue that most teenage boys think about sex all day long and would love to corner girls in the lavatories. There is no way just having a locked cubicle as a enough to protect the girls. They also make a huge mess in there and why should girls have to wade through  it all just because a tiny number of people are trans?

Judy Carter10 Oct 19 12:03




Judy - just a tip, luv, but when you do that thing in CAPS or in bold (especially when writing about the monarchy etc), you just end up looking less like Lady Diana Cooper, and more like some mad cat-woman who wears an over-sized woolly hat indoors and writes letters to the local 'paper in green ink and rants at the cucumbers in Waitrose.

Right, inspired by clergs' assertion that this story is "true" I have done some digging

lo and behold by the simple expedient of finding the school website we see that the change to unisex toilets does not appear to be (primarily or possibly at all) driven by trans rights considerations but more prosaic concerns.

"The decision to make the change to unisex toilets reflects the growing national roll out of unisex toilets in public places. Younger children in the school have always had unisex toilets and for the last 3 years, Year 4 has been using unisex toilets with no concerns or issues. Many schools including secondary schools have already made this switch and experienced many positive benefits. It is anticipated that in introducing this change, the school toilets will become functional places and not areas of social gathering, and that pupils will access them as a necessary resource rather than as an extension of the playground. In addition, it is intended that this change will lead to reductions of incidences of unacceptable behaviour, and an improved sanitised and hygienic environment for all our children."

My son has the genetic curse of an extremely large wanger, his Primary School have fitted an extra large Urinal so that he is spared  humilitation by envious class comrades through a clever trick of perspective.  I so wish there was something so enlightened back in my day, and I would have been spared all the unwanted taunting of names like "horsetodger" and "three legs".

Oh look an early trans thread and surprise surprise it was

a. pushed by dubiously owned media and

b. total bollocks as evidenced by heffalump in the penultimate post

Hard to believe this has been going on for 4 years and the same old wallies are still posting stuff like this every day except RT has been replaced by the telegraph as primary source of disinformation.