weird grudging admiration for Bozo

I have to admit I grudgingly admire his fortitude in allowing himself to be grilled for 4 hours about whether he lied about something the entire country knows he did lie about.    Surely most people would just resign their seat rather than go through that, especially given his income potential outside politics.    Guess its a benefit of having a hide of a rhino.

He is delusional and probably believes what he says. He is also extremely thin skinned and won’t like being criticised. Not to mention he likes being centre of attention, whatever the circumstances.

I dont think he is extremely thin skinned at all.   I dont believe you can be  a politician at all and be extremely think skinned, never mind brazen stuff out like Bozo does.

He's fighting for his political and to some extent financial future.  Although I don't know whether being given the heaviest possible sanctions might not actually increase the demand for him to appear at events in which he's paid more than what most Roffers earn in a year (cf Clergs thread) for a few hours' "work".

Besides, bluster and brazening it out has worked almost every time in his long and inglorious career - he probably reckons it'll work again and even if not, it's his default setting.  

He's not fighting for his financial future or political future (he doesn't have a political future - or not a front line one anyway). he's fighting for his reputation. 

He's made a shed load of money since being ousted. and it's crazy to believe that he can't go on earning huge amounts (by most standards)

I'm sure, boosie... he's saying the leaving do was essential for work purposes. And the logistics in 10DS meant that they couldn't keep socially distanced... ergo no rules/guidelines were broken...  

he's saying the leaving do was essential for work purposes.

It's worth remembering that at the time the rest of us were not allowed to say goodbye to dying family members, let alone attend work leaving dos...  

His point is rather proven by all the stoe cold  losers on twitter saying "I was sacked during covid and didn;t even get a leaving card from my colleagues."

They don't realise it was because no one was sorry to see them go, and prefer to think it was because of Guidance.

It is essential to a motivated workforce that they send off valued colleagues and their boss graciously thanks them and wishes them well in front of everyone else. If you're all in the same building 18 hours a day then it doesn't matter what room you're all in when that happens.

Pez, if you were following the Rules then you would have had no physical contact with your relatives unless it was essential for work purposes.

You really are dangerously thick.

‘If you're all in the same building 18 hours a day then it doesn't matter what room you're all in when that happens’

Well I suppose you need to blame the idiot who wrote the rules.

oh wait….

Does anyone really need to hear that accent again ever? We’re bombarded with lectures about having to listen to different voices in modern Britain blah blah blah. And still so many who sound like him. Ffs.

He’s certainly a world class liar

Maybe but he had an off day yesterday. Like Ronaldo's last days at Man Utd, he was petulant and too self absorbed to put in a good performance. Maybe a free transfer to USA or KSA would let him get back to his best?

They’ll decide he recklessly misled the house, he’ll get whatever the min suspension is to trigger the recall petition and it will be up to the good people of Uxbridge and South Ruislip to do the rest

Lots of talking heads defending him on the basis that this or that was not "a party" but "an event". 

No legislation or regulation talked of 'events' being permitted and 'parties' not. 

the distinction goes to whether the event/party was for a work purpose or not.


If you're putting rhythm is a dancer on or having a silent disco , then it's probably not a work event.


I think it's fair enough to say that a farewell drink is a work event, especially in an office where most people are not working remotely. But interpretation of these regs and guidance is mind-numbingly dull and untested. so i'm now boring myself



How are right whingers still confused that this is about lying to parliament and not whether these things were or were not parties? Is it on purpose or is this thickness what makes them tozza lovvas in the first place?

the distinction goes to whether the event/party was for a work purpose or not.

Did that even matter for the legislation?  I seem to recall it being very vague and woolly, and that any gathering (for any purpose) on business premises (or anywhere if arranged by a business) was permitted.

The Guidance (as with so much else) went rather further, and Plod and Busy Bodies interpreted the guidance even more strictly, but the actual exemption was pretty wide.

any gathering (for any purpose) on business premises (or anywhere if arranged by a business) was permitted

of course it didn't say that, or else why was "partygate" a thing in the first place? 

The thing is if you were in a room together 18 hours a day with no realistic way to socially distance it really, really didn't matter if you had a glass of wine and a slice of cake at the end of one day to mark someone leaving.

I know it was against the (stupid, irrational) rules.  I know they wrote the (stupid, irrational rules) but honestly nobody sane gives a fvck because it just didn't matter. 

Even in relation to the lie.  Sometimes a lie is just the best way to deal with something that doesn't matter that is a breach of a rule that is stupidly harsh. 

Technically under almost every employment contract in the land it will be gross misconduct giving rise to grounds for instant dismissal to be unfit for work due to alcohol.  But when the General Counsel calls in with 'food poisoning' when everyone knows he was at the cricket all day the day before and was last seen being poured into a cab at 2am, nobody (sane) suggests he should be instantly fired, much less be reported to the SRA for dishonesty. 

The thing is if you were in a room together 18 hours a day with no realistic way to socially distance it really, really didn't matter if you had a glass of wine and a slice of cake at the end of one day to mark someone leaving.

how, after three years, can people still so fundamentally misunderstand the point of lockdown?

yes DD, in that one specific case it doesn’t matter if you have a few drinks and a slice of cake (if by “doesn’t matter” you mean “doesn’t materially increase the risk of transmitting covid”) but that’s because everyone else in the country was locked inside their houses and couldn’t go outside 

the point was to reduce spread and therefore reduce transmission

the reason - the only reason - boris and his mates felt empowered to have wine fridays and abba parties was because they’d told the rest of the country to lock themselves indoors and not even sit on benches in the park 

nobody sane gives a fvck because it just didn't matter

Why do Johnson apologists keep saying this? If it didn't fvcking matter then don't make the rest of us comply with your sh1t rules on pain of criminal sanction. Secondly, it clearly did fvcking matter, it was about his only lie and show of hypocrisy that did matter to the population at large. 

like of course you can argue from a transmission perspective “well, if the entire country locks themselves inside their houses for ten months, a small group of 50 or so people can party all night and get hammered without material consequences”

that’s why all the people who locked themselves inside are upset

‘But when the General Counsel calls in with 'food poisoning' when everyone knows he was at the cricket all day the day before and was last seen being poured into a cab at 2am, nobody (sane) suggests he should be instantly fired, much less be reported to the SRA for dishonesty’

no but if the head of the SRA spent his days imposing sanctions on others did that and then lied about to the SRA about it you might be a bit miffed 

Yes, well done Threep! You got there in the end (at least in your first sentence). The scandal here is that badly thought out and disproportionate restrictions were put in place by a government that (in many cases) knew full well were not necessary (because their own medical advisors were telling them they weren't). They did it because it was politically expedient to be seen to be 'doing everything possible' to stop Covid.  They also did it I reckon (whether consciously or not) because it added to the state of national panic that was allowing those close to them to defraud the UK tax payer of billions though circumvented procurement channels. Everyone involved in the 'VIP lane' should be in jail.  THAT is the scandal.  

The scandal is NOT that people who were working together all day everyday anyway had a bit of cake and a glass of wine a couple of times to unwind at the end of the day.  It's that we reached a stage where something so utterly irrational had become government policy and in some cases law.

To be fair to the government I am pretty sure most of them thought they were writing laws that were 'made to be broken'. Same way you know if you set the speed limit at 30 many people will still drive a bit quicker or you ban young teenagers from drinking knowing many will anyway.

They probably assumed (we actually know they did) that compliance wouldn't be great but overall the rules would mean behaviour changed enough to slow transmission. 

They hadn't counted on just how badly many in the UK were longing for a chance to feel superior to their neighbours (and dob them into the police).  The anger is because people either realise they were taken for mugs or can't yet bring themselves to accept they were. 


The scandal here is that badly thought out and disproportionate restrictions were put in place by a government that (in many cases) knew full well were not necessary (because their own medical advisors were telling them they weren't).

The scandal is NOT that people who were working together all day everyday anyway had a bit of cake and a glass of wine a couple of times to unwind at the end of the day.

i think donny isn’t fully following what the scandal is - maybe they’ve been away too long

Some of what madders said, but more about how people don’t understand agency, take it for granted, don’t appreciate quite how awful other people are, how venal politicians and their cronies are, crucially what rules and how they do or don’t work in practice, even more crucially that life is not a series of guarantees given to you. Soz, kids.

The real scandal isn't that some of them told fibs about these trivial breaches of stupid rules either Chill (see above).  

It's really, really depressing to see people focus on the dead cats that have been slung on the table by people who massively enriched themselves (and their supporters) through criminal wrongdoing during the pandemic. 

“not sure I agree with you on the rules DD”

How can you not agree with him on the rules? These guys worked in the same pokey offices 12+ hrs a day, who cares if they stay a few hours extra one day and have a glass of wine?

I actually agree that Johnson’s transgressions of the rules are trivial stuff and even his lies about it to parliament were fairly minor. I just like that the fact that he’s being hung out to dry over it regardless demonstrates that the country has grown tired of his pathological, career-long and often much more damaging dissembling and bluff. 

He’s out. Probably going to lose his seat one way or another.

By all means put those who passed the laws in jail (and benefitted from the corrupt practices) but that also includes locking up SAGE. They seem to have totally escaped




Erm, sage didn't pass any laws you thick fvcking khvnt