A senior lawyer at a Melbourne firm allegedly sent undesired photos of his erect penis and a stream of lewd text messages to a junior female colleague. Neither of the parties involved or the law firm have yet been named.

The woman has instructed employment lawyer Josh Bornstein of Maurice Blackburn Lawyers as she seeks damages and compensation. Bornstein said that his client received "x-rated photographs" and "predatory" texts including one which read “something has to give … I either f**k you or go crazy". Another of many texts featuring the f word said, "forget the fact I'm attracted to you – I'm your f*****g boss and pay your wage." When the woman tried to ignore the messages, the accused allegedly become abusive at work, and once threw his phone at her and yelled, "you do what I tell you. I'm your boss."

  Like a boss 

Bornstein also claims that his client tried repeatedly to get "other senior people in the firm to make it stop" but that they were "either unable or unwilling to do that". The boss is currently still working at the firm, but the woman has not returned. Bornstein says that the matter has taken a heavy toll on his client's health and that the case is being referred to the Human Rights Commission.
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