#youthquake on twitter

seems to suggest quite a few young people have turned out to vote today

Everyone ready for PM Corbyn then?

Reminds me, I must look at facebook to see what my imbecile youngest cousin makes of all this.  Rabid Corbyn supporter always banging on about taxing the 5%.  (He works as an English language teacher in the Emirates and hasn't paid tax since he had a summer job.)

People on Twitter well known for following through in any meaningful way on what they threaten or promise on there. 

I've got stage 4 cancer. Don't worry, #sorryforyourimpendingcancerdeath will be a big help.

Something bad is happening. #somethingmustbedonebutIaminstagrammingaskmum


She has been here for 30 years and only just got her British passport and this is the first GE she's been able to vote in. She voted Green.

My other colleague, also a new passport holder, voted for an Independent Brexiter because she thinks 'we should just get Brexit done'


My other colleague, also a new passport holder, voted for an Independent Brexiter because she thinks 'we should just get Brexit done' 

more evidence of the thickness of people who think brexit is a good idea.  Stupider than voting tory for that (perceived) outcome!